Yes. I thought your posting of Hillary Clinton and the sombrero was one of the most immature things I've seen in a while. Glad to see you are reflective about your actions.
Satire is not new in the oppositions in political arena.
Since your first post in this thread, you have been trying to spin this as an issue of one side losing an election, not the actions of a sitting President.
No spin -
Republicans gather for a rally of support - Dems disrupt, riot, destroy property.
Republicans win - Dems burn effigies, burn flags, riot, destroy property.
Yes. This really cranked up when Clinton was in office and the Republicans constantly attacked. I opposed Clinton, but there was so many false attacks against Clinton that when the real issues came up, no one took them very seriously. Then George W. Bush became President and Democrats attacked him without ceasing. Then Obama was elected and Republicans attacked - largely on disproven things like allegations he was born in Kenya.
It doesn't require the title of CIA or Investigative Journalist for one to do their own research and investigations.
It really doesn't matter WHERE Obama was BORN, although there were conflicting reports from Obama himself and his grandmother and Obama's mother's whereabouts at the time of Obama's birth.
What matter's is -
Obama lawfully held citizenship in foreign countries - specifically, Kenya and Indonesia.
THAT may not have concerned YOU, however, while Dems babble over Trump having a lawful diplomatic discussion WITH Russians, (as ALL Presidents DO conduct diplomatic discussions) the Dems had no concern whatsoever electing a man WHO has held FOREIGN citizenships.
Further it is NOT secret Obama claimed his father WAS a foreigner -
Further it is NOT secret Obama claimed he was a US Constitutional scholar and teacher of such.
Further ANYONE WHO is capable of READING the US Constitution (about 9 8x10 pages long), would CLEARLY READ, the number one LAWFUL REQUIREMENT for a person to be LAWFULLY seated in the Office of the President of the United States, IS that they be a "NATURAL BORN CITIZEN"!
That does not mean a vaginal birth. That does not mean BORN on US soil.
That DOES MEAN, that BOTH of his parents ARE US CITIZENS, at the TIME of his birth.
BECAUSE the country had been NEWLY ESTABLISHED. BEFORE the establishment of the country, the land/territories, divided and called COLONIES was CLAIMED by England, governed by the King of England, and the PEOPLE occupying the land were English SUBJECTS (ie English citizens).
WHEN, a gathering of British "subjects" plotted to Declare INDEPENDENCE from England, the King "rejected" the plea. However the People in agreement to Declare Independence from England forged forward with their plan.
WHEN, the US was established, the PEOPLE
renounced their citizenship to England and pledged their
citizenship to the US.
OBVIOUSLY - AT THE TIME of the adoption of the US CONSTITUTION - people WERE born as FOREIGN CITIZENS - as had their PARENTS been born as FOREIGN CITIZENS..... THUS a "CLAUSE" was provided for the FIRST FEW "US CITIZENS" to be "EXCEPTED" from having been "NATURAL BORN CITIZENS". (of a non-existent country) .... and such CLAUSE provided that the first FEW who became citizens of the US, (having foreign born parents) COULD be elected, AS President.
IF YOU CONTINUE reading and studying the US Constitution ( all lengthy 9 pages! ) you would LEARN, the REQUIREMENT for a person to be considered "a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN".
It has NOTHING to do with the plot of land they are BORN ON.
It has EVERYTHING to do with the citizenship of their parent(S). Not one parent. BOTH parents, their citizenship. Obama's MOTHER held US citizenry, which gave Obama, as her son, US citizenry. Obama's natural father held KENYAN & BRITISH citizenry, per Kenyan & British Law, is what gave Obama, KENYAN & BRITISH citizenry, as his son. Later Obama acquired another father, (step father, via his mothers marriage), and per Indonesia Law, is what additional gave Obama Indonesian citizenry, as a step son.
So We have a Community Organizer parading around the US, who has held lawful citizenship's; in the US, the United Kingdom, Kenya & Indonesia, and was NEVER a natural born citizen, and was NEVER born to TWO US citizens, (WHO claims to be a US Constitutional Scholar and Teacher)..... WHO decides to run for the US Presidency -
oooh rah - ugh!
The LAW provides that the LEADERS of the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES, for EACH PARTY, is charged with VERIFYING the FACTS, and GIVING THEIR "SIGNED" statement that their proposed CANDIDATE is "LAWFULLY QUALIFIED", and BY THEIR statement and signature are testifying the FACTS in their statement IS TRUE.
ANY MORON could deduce OBAMA was NOT a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN, or Constitutionally Lawfully Qualified to sit as a LAWFUL President of the WHAT ignorant moron gave a SWORN and SIGNED document verifying he was Lawfully Qualified?
None other than the one required .... Democratic Leader of the House Democrats and Chair holder of the National Democraptic Convention.... Nancy Pelosi! (and Alice Geroxxxx, Secretary of the National Democraptic Convention), additionally signed by a notary.
The very SAME Nancy Pelosi, ie corrupt Democrapic Leader WHO directed the Democraps to SIGN an UNREAD 2,000 + page bill regarding the highlighted "health-care" act....telling them they need to sign and and can read it later.
THAT is the conduct of how the Dems operate... sneaking, lying, corrupt....failure to boot out Pelosi for her lying corrupt behavior... and you have a problem with people who do their homework and criticize the Dems corruption.... too bad.
RULES of the House of Representatives 14-(b)
14. A Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner may not...
(b) influence, or offer or threaten to influence, the official act of another.
But do you realize that many of us deplore that kind of behavior and no matter who won the 2016 election, "our side" would not have won? I am looking at this quite objectively and would be incensed no matter which previous President had acted in the manner that Trump has acted.
Obama's absent foreign father had "dreams of changing things "..... so what? Too bad most did not pay attention to WHAT his dreams were and Obama's desire to mimic his father's dreams. Too bad most did not notice his fathers dreams did not mimic the dreams and reality that established the US.
Too bad many did not pay attention WHEN Obama was straying from the established rule of law and was acting "under COLOR of law".
And TRUMP....."promoting Make America Great Again" and her citizenry..... is offensive to you?
IS comparable to Obama? Laughable. OR is your comment more on a level of personal comments either has made? Or something else you could specify regarding "THEIR "actions", as you say?