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Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador

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What they think......a lot of them are discouraged. See they are mostly working class & a tremendous about of them are either unemployed, living on fixed incomes, with no hope. Their hope is Trump and he hasn't preformed....not to their satisfaction. But that's nothing new. They were lied to by Bush, by Obama etc so when they see the Pre Existing Conditions platform Trump & Ryan are trying to push thru, well "we got screwed again"

We will see how it goes, but if I was betting on their supporting Trump again, well don't hold your breath.

A President is a FREE people's HOPE? Well, they should be disappointed. The President is not their DADDY to rescue them from the results of THEIR choices. A FREE people have the right to make choices, and reap the consequences of their choices...good or bad....and then make other choices if they do not like the consequences of their original choices.

A President, particularly a President like Trump who has proven success can foster IDEAS to others for them to be INDEPENDENT and take care of themselves.
Or a man like Obama, with no proven track record of success can "create" JOBS for the sad and hopeless dependent people, by doing what? The only authority the government has in "creating" JOBS is to "create" BIGGER GOVERNMENT, adding "government" JOBS. ooooh rah! Everybody should be a government employee! ugh! If you can't get a free people to GIVE the "servants" power over them...
there is always that little ploy to MAKE a free people subject to the government via "employee/ employer" relationship, (a Communistic platform). Gee, how novel and seemingly an oblivious objective to the Liberals minions...

Earth Wind and Fire

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That is all FAKE NEWS, as he did NOT give them any thing that was classified, ad the people in that very room agree!
What IS real news is that we have some moles in Via/Nsa who are still acting like babies that he became President, and keep doing ILLEGAL leakings about him!

you know this w/i a shadow of a doubt do you? You have evidence to justify your claims? Or is this more speculation.


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OK .... but we live our lives according to the Word of God.

I'm reminded of this in Matthew:

But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.

What an evil world we live in- 'Lament' Even the military academies teach 3 answers to questions. 1. Yes Sir; 2. No Sir & 3. No Excuse Sir

IF one is NOT providing for his own, specially for those of his own house....he is worse than an unbeliever.

My own, is my family. My own, is my brethren BY faith.
Muslims are not "my own".
Law breakers are not "my own".
Foreigners are not "my own".
Unfaithful to God are not "my own".

  1. [8] But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.


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you know this w/i a shadow of a doubt do you? You have evidence to justify your claims? Or is this more speculation.

The evidence is in the claims.....sensitive information was claimed to be leaked to reporters! And nothing claimed it was leaked by Trump!

Earth Wind and Fire

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A President is a FREE people's HOPE? Well, they should be disappointed. The President is not their DADDY to rescue them from the results of THEIR choices. A FREE people have the right to make choices, and reap the consequences of their choices...good or bad....and then make other choices if they do not like the consequences of their original choices.

You can stop there....you are exactly right, they will make their own choices & they will be "How well did he perform, did he keep his campaign promises, did he screw us in some way?" They will vote how well he did & damn the rest.

A President, particularly a President like Trump who has proven success can foster IDEAS to others for them to be INDEPENDENT and take care of themselves.

Oh yea how?
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Earth Wind and Fire

Well-Known Member
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IF one is NOT providing for his own, specially for those of his own house....he is worse than an unbeliever.

Really.....my father died when I was 12. I had an older sister who was Cerebral Palsy & a 7 yo brother. Who provided for us?

Maybe you want to ask Paul Ryan that question.....& who payed for his education.

My own, is my family. My own, is my brethren BY faith.
Muslims are not "my own".
Law breakers are not "my own".
Foreigners are not "my own".
Unfaithful to God are not "my own".

  1. [8] But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
  1. [8] But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
Matthew 25:35-46

'For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.' "Then the righteous will answer Him, 'Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink?


39 'When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?' 40 "The King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.' 41 "Then He will also say to those on His left, 'Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels;
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The evidence is in the claims.....sensitive information was claimed to be leaked to reporters! And nothing claimed it was leaked by Trump!

Why then did Trump admit that he gave the Russians classified information?

  1. Trump Defends Sharing ISIS Information With Russia - The New ...
    https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/16/us/politics/trump-intelligence-russia-classified.html2 hours ago ... The information about the Islamic State plot came from a Middle ... Trump Revealed Highly Classified Intelligence to Russia, in Break With Ally, ...
  2. Donald Trump Defends Sharing Information With Russia - WSJ
    https://www.wsj.com/articles/donald...lassified-information-with-russia-14949357762 hours ago ... H.R. McMaster responded to a Washington Post article that claims President Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian officials ..
  3. Trump defends sharing information with Russia, 'which I have the ...
    http://www.cnbc.com/2017/05/16/trum...a-which-i-have-the-absolute-right-to-do.html6 hours ago ... President Donald Trump took to Twitter to defend his sharing of what is reportedly highly classified information with Russian officials.


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You can stop there....you are exactly right, they will make their own choices & they will be "How well did he perform, did he keep his campaign promises,

Uh....His "campaign promises" were promises to be effected....during his Presidency, (IF he was elected)

Newsflash, he was elected. He is serving his 4 year term. It is during his Presidency of 4 years he promised to diligently work on effecting his promises.

Patience is a virtue. You should try it....or at least take a math course....

"How well DID he perform"

Did is a PAST tense. There is no "DID" until the end of his term!

DID he screw us in some way?

PAST tense of what has not occurred.

They will vote how well he did & damn the rest.

Will = future.

Thanks for your words, regardless of how irrelevant without a crystal ball.


Active Member
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What they think......a lot of them are discouraged. See they are mostly working class & a tremendous about of them are either unemployed, living on fixed incomes, with no hope. Their hope is Trump and he hasn't preformed....not to their satisfaction. But that's nothing new. They were lied to by Bush, by Obama etc so when they see the Pre Existing Conditions platform Trump & Ryan are trying to push thru, well "we got screwed again"

We will see how it goes, but if I was betting on their supporting Trump again, well don't hold your breath.
Steel companies are reopening plants. US Steel has talked of bringing back as many as 10,000 workers. Things are shakin.


Well-Known Member
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Why then did Trump admit that he gave the Russians classified information?

  1. Trump Defends Sharing ISIS Information With Russia - The New ...
    https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/16/us/politics/trump-intelligence-russia-classified.html2 hours ago ... The information about the Islamic State plot came from a Middle ... Trump Revealed Highly Classified Intelligence to Russia, in Break With Ally, ...
  2. Donald Trump Defends Sharing Information With Russia - WSJ
    https://www.wsj.com/articles/donald...lassified-information-with-russia-14949357762 hours ago ... H.R. McMaster responded to a Washington Post article that claims President Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian officials ..
  3. Trump defends sharing information with Russia, 'which I have the ...
    http://www.cnbc.com/2017/05/16/trum...a-which-i-have-the-absolute-right-to-do.html6 hours ago ... President Donald Trump took to Twitter to defend his sharing of what is reportedly highly classified information with Russian officials.

Try to stay on point.

SOME unidentified person specifically CLAIMED Trump revealed the NAME OF A CITY and revealed a foreign SOURCE government who revealed the NAME OF A CITY.

THEN reporters from the Washington Post were leaked the NAME of the CITY, and carry out their article revealing the SOURCE of the foreign government was merely a guess.

I asked you specifically....what is "THE" information you keep having a cow over....

So now again you speak in general about "THE" information. "THE" information IS specifically "the name of the city"....

And further....it matters not to me one iota if Trump tweets he has authority to reveal classified information.....IT'S NOT NEWS what his authority entails!

It matters not to me one iota if Trump tweets he has revealed classified information.... He is authorized to do so!

What does matter, and skirted around is ..... the BIG COMPLAINT....the BIG SECRET NAME of the "THE CITY".....and? Apparently it is still SECRET, since no one is mentioning the name of the city, since NOT ONE article or tweet or report is QUOTING Trump NAMING ANY CITY!

What a waste of nonsense and double talk that specifically proves nothing illegal, shady, inappropriate on Trumps part.

Earth Wind and Fire

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Uh....His "campaign promises" were promises to be effected....during his Presidency, (IF he was elected)

Newsflash, he was elected. He is serving his 4 year term. It is during his Presidency of 4 years he promised to diligently work on effecting his promises.

Patience is a virtue. You should try it....or at least take a math course....

Maybe you should take a flying leap for yourself:Biggrin

Thanks for your words, regardless of how irrelevant without a crystal ball.

May I suggest a REAL WORKABLE PLAN that can be broadcast to Americans in order to track his progress or lack there of. I would further suggest that he has lost (not gained) the confidence of many, many Americans ......perhaps he needs a new strategy.


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Steel companies are reopening plants. US Steel has talked of bringing back as many as 10,000 workers. Things are shakin.

Source please.

I do not see anything about US steel and new jobs in the US. Their stock is tanking. See below the chart on their stock. The 5 in the last column shows the first move in the month of May. The stock started April at $33. Today it is at $20.24 ... rather huge drop a bit over a month. It was as high as 41 in February. Almost a 50% drop since then.


Earth Wind and Fire

Well-Known Member
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Source please.

I do not see anything about US steel and new jobs in the US. Their stock is tanking. See below the chart on their stock. The 5 in the last column shows the first move in the month of May. The stock started April at $33. Today it is at $20.24 ... rather huge drop a bit over a month. It was as high as 41 in February. Almost a 50% drop since then.


Maybe that's Trumps plan......Bankrupt the company then buy it back cheap.

Now if he could only bring back the clothing industry.....I'm tired of wearing stuff from China, Vietnam & India.

Earth Wind and Fire

Well-Known Member
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Why then did Trump admit that he gave the Russians classified information?

  1. Trump Defends Sharing ISIS Information With Russia - The New ...
    https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/16/us/politics/trump-intelligence-russia-classified.html2 hours ago ... The information about the Islamic State plot came from a Middle ... Trump Revealed Highly Classified Intelligence to Russia, in Break With Ally, ...
  2. Donald Trump Defends Sharing Information With Russia - WSJ
    https://www.wsj.com/articles/donald...lassified-information-with-russia-14949357762 hours ago ... H.R. McMaster responded to a Washington Post article that claims President Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian officials ..
  3. Trump defends sharing information with Russia, 'which I have the ...
    http://www.cnbc.com/2017/05/16/trum...a-which-i-have-the-absolute-right-to-do.html6 hours ago ... President Donald Trump took to Twitter to defend his sharing of what is reportedly highly classified information with Russian officials.

Oh no......the Wall Street Journal, that's not supposed to happen......unless they have been infiltrated with "MARXISTS":eek:

Commie Madness is everywhere--Putin has us by the short hairs! :Devilish
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