Whoah! Wow! Just Wow! When over 95% of scientists agree about anthropogenic climate change, the science 'isn't settled'?!! Oh. My. Word. Presumably this is all 'fake nooze' of 'alt facts'.
"Surely the most suspicious “97 percent” study was conducted in 2013 by Australian scientist John Cook — author of the 2011 book Climate Change Denial: Heads in the Sand and creator of the blog Skeptical Science (subtitle: “Getting skeptical about global warming skepticism.”). In an analysis of 12,000 abstracts, he found “a 97% consensus among papers taking a position on the cause of global warming in the peer-reviewed literature that humans are responsible.” “Among papers taking a position” is a significant qualifier: Only 34 percent of the papers Cook examined expressed any opinion about anthropogenic climate change at all. Since 33 percent appeared to endorse anthropogenic climate change, he divided 33 by 34 and — voilà — 97 percent! When David Legates, a University of Delaware professor who formerly headed the university’s Center for Climatic Research, recreated Cook’s study, he found that “only 41 papers — 0.3 percent of all 11,944 abstracts or 1.0 percent of the 4,014 expressing an opinion, and not 97.1 percent,” endorsed what Cook claimed. Several scientists whose papers were included in Cook’s initial sample also protested that they had been misinterpreted. “Significant questions about anthropogenic influences on climate remain,” Legates concluded."
Read more at:
The 97 Percent Solution
I'm very sorry: I thought you wanted to have a serious debate on the pros and cons of the Paris agreement based on SCIENCE. Quite clearly you do not (which doubtless explains why all you have are unsubstantiated insults). There's therefore little point in carrying on any engagement with you.
I did not say what I base my view on. Not sure where in the world you got that from. It seems to me to be nothing more than a snotty statement pulled out of thin air. I have yet to see you defend anything about this in order to have a discussion based on science. I see you have made a lot of unsubstantiated claims based on politically motivated "science" which is nothing more than a cover got global governance and wealth redistribution.
Americans will never give into that.