Presumably by the same token, then, you are against people being compelled to pay tax for defence and law enforcement, particularly when those benefit more people other than themselves?
IF you understand the Constitution, which IS the Limiting Document by which the Servants of the Government are restricted, and pledge to adhere to such restriction; you would find the FEW things that the Government is authorized TO DO.
The Government Servants ARE authorized to collect taxes from the People, according to the rules and manner as the Constitution dictates, for the purpose of certain things, that APPLIES to the Benefit of the WHOLE of the People. Defense is one of those particular things that benefits the WHOLE of the People, in preservation of the People's Liberty.
Law enforcement? Law "enforcement" is effected by and through, specific Jurisdictional LAW enforcement "agencies", in order to provide Due Process of Law. It is the States jurisdiction to provide the Laws that affect "their" jurisdiction, which all States, legislate to create a tax for such departments.
So, no, wrong again on your assumption. Defense is specifically a US Constitutional allowed tax. And States have their own jurisdictional authority to create agencies / departments / laws / regulations; to lay and collect taxes for purposes their own States Constitution Authorizes.
Oh and, BTW, I study Scripture daily,
and that leads me to the conclusion that we are called to love sacrificially,
sacrifice ~
an act of slaughtering an animal or person or surrendering a possession as an offering to God or to a divine or supernatural figure
- offer or kill as a religious sacrifice.
Not sure how you arrive at the term "love
Personally, the Scripture simply teaches me to LOVE the LORD "above" all other things and to Love every person. PERIOD.
I don't give up or sacrifice ANYTHING to LOVE another, as you have "coined" the phrase for yourself to "love sacrificially", to which I do not find any such thing taught in scripture.
and that 'me first' is the antithesis of that.
No it isn't. I noticed you did not answer the fact that God is FIRST and teaches He is FIRST in ALL all things, IF you also put Him in the same category of selfish.
Yes, it is selfish and one of the firstfruits of the Fall.
You have decided a person who puts themselves FIRST, IS "selfish".
I disagree with you.
The definition of selfish disagrees with you.
God's own position He teaches of Himself disagrees with you.
And it appears you don't comprehend WHY there is disagreement with you.
Firstly, the disagreeing with you concerns.....LOVE has no "conditions".
an intense feeling of deep affection.
It is mankind, such as yourself who has put a "condition" on the term LOVE, by claiming LOVE requires a "sacrifice".
It doesn't!
Secondly, NOTHING whatsoever, implied or precluded, AFTER taking care of oneself FIRST, means, IGNORING all others, which would be SELFISH, but that NOTHING whatsoever was implied or claimed that was the case.
Thirdly, Gods teaching, REVEALS KNOWLEDGE, to which No one, is FORCED to believe it, trust it or rely on it.
I have ZERO obligation to be FORCED to believe, trust or rely on hypothetical, theoretical information from Scientists, you, or anyone else.
I further have been GIVEN my Liberty to CHOOSE my own beliefs, on any subject, via MY creator, who IS the Lord God Almighty, AND further have been GIVEN
notice the US Government recognizes MY God given Liberty to Choose my own beliefs, on ANY subject.
You can dictate ALL DAY LONG, what YOU think I should believe, think, do, support, finance, agree with....and it means NOTHING to me. You do not have Dictatorial Authority over me. You can call me names all day long ~ while touting yourself a studied Christian, and it only reflects on YOU, not me.
You can announce ALL day long, YOU think it a good idea to financially support a hypothetical scientific theory, financially support feeding people who will not feed themselves, or provide housing for the homeless....
No one IS STOPPING YOU, from financially supporting theoretical science ( of what "might" happen), or feeding those who do not themselves, provide housing for the homeless.......or whatever YOU THINK should be financially supported....
go do it. But stop offering MY finances as a good idea to be FORCED to be paid to the CAUSES YOU "choose" to support.
Because get real.....What IF I supported chopping the hand off every thief.....and you didn't support such a thing. Would you, without disagreement, be JOYFUL that I was promoting the GOVERNMENT TAX (force) you to financially PAY for MY IDEA?
As Christians, we need to rise above that and obey the teachings of Him Whom we purport to follow.
You need to assess, what you are told to do, and not add to it your own additions, then pretend you have the authority to dictate that to others your version, and couple that with your assessment of those who ignore what YOU CLAIM, as being further, what you judge them, as being "selfish".
Aside from what Scripture teaches....your teaching doesn't even make common sense.
A man who does not take care of himself FIRST...financially, his family, his home, his food supply, his health, his whatever... the man you would seek to aid you?
ya right! no!