The difference could be what happens in 4 to 8 years. Obama and his supporters claimed a landslide and based on that they overplayed their hand and destroyed the Democrat bench. Yes I know Republican views that with gleeful snickers but given how Trump is the inverse to Obama with just as dedicated followers I could see them over playing their hand to the gleeful snickers of Democrats. An honest look at his lackluster win would actually help the administration to not over play it's hand and destroy the long game.
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It's a game bw, it was played when Obama was (still is for about 30 days) in power according to his devotees, he could do no wrong and Bush Jr was the Grinch who stole Christmas.
There are many of us who will be watching Trump very closely comparing promises made with promises kept.
I am sure he won't be able to do it all but he should at least try and try honestly not a token try. With both the house and senate in his court for 2 years (maybe longer) he will have an easier time of it than not.
My concern is that the crushed Democrats after their convalescence and recovery will launch a partisan war against Trump unlike any we have ever seen in order to get back in the White House in 2020.
This may sound strange but we need both parties in a healthy condition with an ongoing check and balance game against each other but not all out war, not good, not good