I 'm sure the Holy Spirit manifests Himself & does miracles, even "tongues", as HE chooses, not when men choose. He uses "tongues" & their interpretation very-little, but He does healings, etc. every day.
And He doesn't always do "instant miracles". For instance, He kept my wife alive after a schoolbus accident in late 2000 that would ordinarily killed her, as half the bones in her body were broken, both lungs were punctured, liver lacerated, some intestines crushed. But she healed SLOWLY, being kept unconscious in ICU for a month & a half. But she recovered enough to go back to work the following year, with some disabilities, of course, and as part of the miracle, her mind remained completely unaffected, with no memory loss, behavioral changes, etc.
I don't think too many people find a "perfect" church, so my best answer is to SINCERELY PRAY about it, & attend at least one service in all churches you believe might share at least most of your beliefs. I believe GOD will let you know if He wants you in a certain church when you attend a service in it.