Have you read Matthew 24 like I suggested?
Jesus said, " As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man."
Jesus was talking TO them....ABOUT us. You and me. He said WE won't know anything is coming. Ergo, how can we know a direct date?
You have called me ignorant of the Bible, clueless, a ravenous dog, and a fool.
I shall not return to this thread.
The world will be taken by surprise by the second coming just as in the days of Noah because the world is torahless, just like you. Those who are torahless are clueless and blind, for the appointed times of the Torah and its calendar reveal the timing of the events of the second coming of Yeshuah. Yet to those who know and understand and obey the Torah, the return of Yeshuah will not be a surprise, it will be expected. Just as even the wise men were already expecting the 1st coming of the Mashiach, for they knew the timeline of Daniel that revealed that he would appear within 490 years from the decree to rebuild Jerusalem after the Babylonian captivity. There is indeed a 7,000 year plan of God, and the last 1,000 years have been set apart as the millennial shabbath of this earth. So Yeshuah returns in the year 6,000, to begin the millennial shabbath. This has been known for thousands of years by the Jews and the wise, as seen in ancient texts. Yet most are clueless, precisely for the reasons I just gave you. So knowing the year of the return is simply a matter of math, counting the genealogies and timelines of the scriptures, to then know how many years are left until the year 6,000. I have done all the heavy work calculating these numbers, for you ingrates, and dogs who cannot perceive the value of pearls. Do not be dumb and ignorant, but inform yourself.
Two excerpts from my Statement of Belief.
This heaven and this earth is appointed to exist 7,000 years. And the last 1,000 years are the millennial shabbath of this earth. Which is the 1,000 year rulership of Yeshuah mentioned in the book of Revelation. And the 1,000 year rulership of Yeshuah will begin in the year 6,000 from creation. Therefore the second coming of Yeshuah will be in the year 6,000 from creation. This is why God created heaven and earth in 6 days, and set apart the 7th day by resting on it, to foreshadow the length of time he appointed this heaven and this earth to exist, 7,000 years total, with the last 1,000 years also set apart as a rest. The “millennial shabbath”. That is why a Psalm declares, “1,000 years in your sight are like 1 day”. And also why in the context of the return of Yeshuah the apostle Peter declared, “1 day is with the Master is as 1,000 years, and a 1,000 years is as 1 day”. This profound truth is also mentioned in ancient texts like the Epistle of Barnabas and the Midrash, which plainly reveal the 7,000 year plan of God. And that the last 1,000 years are a millennial shabbath. And that Yeshuah returns in the year 6,000 from creation. One text says, “of the shabbath he spoke in the beginning of the creation. And God made the works of his hands in 6 days, and he ended on the 7th day, and rested on it, and he set it apart. Give heed, children, what this means; He ended in 6 days. He means this, that in 6,000 years the Master shall bring all things to an end, for 1 day with him signifies a 1,000 years. And with this he himself bears me witness, saying, behold, the day of the Master shall be as a 1,000 years. Therefore, children, in 6 days, that is in 6,000 years, everything shall come to an end. And he rested on the 7th day. By this he means, when his son shall come, and shall abolish the time of the torahless one, and shall judge the impious, then shall he truly rest on the 7th day”. And the other text says, “the set-apart one, blessed be he, created seven aeons, and of them all he chose the seventh aeon only. The six aeons are for the going in and coming out, for war and peace. The seventh aeon is entirely shabbath and rest in the aeonial life. The set-apart one, blessed be he, created seven days, and of them all he chose the seventh day only, as it is said, and God blessed the seventh day, and set it apart”. The 7,000 year plan of God is quite obvious to those who know and understand the appointed times of God in the Torah. That is why many Jews already know this truth. Whereas many Gentile believers do not know nor understand, because they do not know the Torah nor its appointed times. Therefore knowing the year of the return of Yeshuah is simply a matter of math. Which is counting the genealogies and timelines of the scriptures to determine the year we are in since creation, to then determine how many years are left until the year 6,000 from creation. And although the length of the solar year did change, from 360 days to 365 and 1/4 years, the time to the return of Yeshuah will still be 6,000 years. For a “year” is still one complete orbit of the earth around the sun, regardless of how many days it took. So Yeshuah will return when the earth has done 6,000 full orbits around the sun.
In 2020 AD in the Gregorian calendar we are in 5994 YB in Tishri 10. “YB” means “Year since the Beginning” in English. From 2020 AD there are 6 years left until 6000 YB in 2026 AD. Which will be the true timing of the second coming of Yeshuah and the beginning of the millennial shabbath of this earth. The current official year in the Jewish calendar is not the true year from the beginning of creation, which incorrectly says we are in 5781 AM in Tishri 1 in 2020 AD. “AM” means “Anno Mundi”, which means “year of the world” in Latin. The AM year is behind 213 years from the true year of creation. And Jewish scholars know that there are missing years in the AM year. From Adam until Abraham it was 2,010 years, which was 2010 YB. From Abraham to the anointing of Yeshuah was 1,990 years, which was precisely 4000 YB, in 26 AD. And from the anointing of Yeshuah to 2020 AD it was 1,994 years, which is 5994 YB. This is why according to the prophet Hosea, Yeshuah will return after 2 days, meaning 2,000 years. For Yeshuah returns exactly 2,000 years in 6000 YB in 2026 AD after his anointing in 4000 YB in 26 AD. The genealogical and timeline records found in the scriptures prove these calculations and the current year we are in since creation. This is contrary to the absurd lie that the earth brought itself into existence from nothing billions of years ago. Which is a lie that has deceived many. Even the methods used by scientists to try to measure the age of the earth, such as radio carbon dating, have proven themselves to give false results even in living organisms that recently died. And also in other samples whose year of death was known. Yet many still ignore these obvious fallacies and willfully continue choosing to believe the lie, because they want the lie to be true, and the truth to be the lie. They do not want to believe the truth that God created the heavens and the earth, and that the age of the earth can easily be determined by counting the genealogies and timelines of the scriptures. For the Bible is indeed also a true historical book, not a book of fantasies, as are the explanations of the scientists regarding the origins of the earth. And they think themselves intelligent for coming up with new fantasies and theories that are admired and accepted by many, yet all they have done is become more stupid, for rejecting the obvious truth that is written under their very noses in the scriptures. And this will be one of the many wisdoms of the “wise of this world” that God will ridicule at the return of Yeshuah. As such, many Gentile believers also erroneously think that because Yeshuah said “no one knows the day nor the hour” that it is impossible to know the time of the return of Yeshuah. The believers almost 2,000 years ago did not know if Yeshuah would return 100 years after his first coming, or 200 years, or 500 years, or 1,000 years. It is like a master that tells his servants, “I am returning in the night”. The servants do not know if the master is returning at 9 PM, or 12 AM, or 3 AM, yet if it is now 5 AM, now the servants know it is the final hour for the return of the master. So in likewise manner it is for us now approaching the year 6,000 from creation. We are in the final hour and it is quite obvious Yeshuah is about to appear, to begin the millennial shabbath of this earth, as was predestined from the very beginning of this earth. And that is why unlike believers almost 2,000 years ago, we who are in the final hour, and know the Torah and its appointed times, know the time of the return of Yeshuah, which will be 2026 AD, in the year 6,000 from creation.
Timeline that I have built that proves the year we are in since creation.
7,000 Year Timeline of the Earth - Wisdom of God