I have a coupla "kits", one for JWs, one for Mor(m)ons, and a general "kit" for the occasional other cultists which may come by, such as SDAs, etc.
I begin by telling them I'll listen to their words IF THEY GIVE ME EQUAL TIME TO LISTEN TO MINE. otherwise, you should move on. They've always stayed, believing they could persuade me to their beliefs. I'm quite polite, offering them seats, a snack, something to drink, etc.
The JW kit consists of info about their "bible', the New World translation. It tells its origin, that it's a revision of the British RV of 1881, altered by Freddie Franz & George Gangas in 1950 to fit JW doctrine. I remind them they can easily verify that intel at the public library 2 blox doen the street, or by simply Googling it.
It points out the JW altering of John 1:1 to read "the word was *a* god" and challenges them to find that reading in their own Greek Interlinear text, which simply reads "logos theos"
I ask them whom they believe JESUS is. Some have said He's Michael, in which case I immediately point out Psalm 2:7 “I will surely tell of the decree of the Lord: He said to Me, ‘You are My Son, Today I have begotten You.
Heb. 1:5 For to which of the angels did He ever say, “You are My Son, Today I have begotten You”? And again, “I will be a Father to Him And He shall be a Son to Me”?
Heb. 1:13
But to which of the angels has He ever said, “Sit at My right hand, Until I make Your enemies A footstool for Your feet”?
I then point out the many verses that say Jesus is God, including the story of His baptism. I remind them that the whole Bible is Jesus-centric, that THEIR "bible" is MAN-MADE, and try to present this in a non-challenging way, asking the HOLY SPIRIT to guide my words. I view their visits as a WITNESSING OPPORTUNITY, and if I'm busy when they come by, I'll ask'em to return at a more-convenient time. I always invite them to return, that I'll listen to them, but they hafta give me equal time.
Their visits have become much less-frequent. As for those who hace stopped by, I hope hearing the TRUE Gospel planted a 'seed' in their hearts which the HOLY SPIRIT has made to grow. If not, they'll be without excuse when they face Jesus, as they will have heard the Gospel from God's word, but failed to heed it.
Mor(m)ons? I point out the histories of Joey Smith and Brigand Young, among other things, with the same Gospel presentation as I give the JWs, reminding them they can easily find the same intel I gave them on their "prophets" at various other sources. I've not had any of them visit lately, and never the same ones.
I realize that only the power of the HOLY SPIRIT will reach those people, but it's still my d-u-t-y to present the Gospel to them if possible. Who knows in advance what the HOLY SPIRIT may chooseta do in their lives? (Remember the 180-degree transformation of Paul!)
Now, if we BAPTISTS were as enthusiastic about door-to-door ministry.........