Well-Known Member
You are correct. The world cannot just keep on repeating the failures of the Ukraine war.
DT has watched hundreds of thousands die in Ukraine, and we are no closer to peace. Something different must be done.
There are only two options at this point. Send allied troops to fight along side the Ukrainians and repel the Russian troops out of Ukraine.
That would cost hundreds of thousands of lives and risk WW3 and nuclear war…
Negotiate a peace deal….
DT has decided the second option is preferable to the first.
If you have a better plan, please express it plainly.
If your only plan is to criticize DT, then your opinion isn’t worth very much.
Peace to you
If trump thinks he is going to negotiate a peace deal it would be a good idea to have the actual parties involved at the table.
Well like trump has said more than once, they are on the other side of the ocean so it is not his concern. So perhaps he should just stay out of it rather than supporting Putin.
Putin does not just want Ukraine and if trump is dumb enough to think Putin will stop there he just proves how dumb he is.
Putin is either stopped now or he will have to be stopped latter.
Trump tried to blackmail Ukraine with his, you owe us $300 billion so we want half your rare earths deal. But that blew up in his face.