1) Scripture says Abraham's faith was credited to his as righteousness. It does not say Abraham was made righteous through faith. The inability to read seems to be a key in becoming a Calvinist.
2) The OT saints were not justified through the works of the Law, so they were saved via the New Covenant. When was the New Covenant inaugurated, at Christ's death for it is in His blood. Thus the OT saints gained approval, not perfection or justification, through faith under the old Covenants, but they had to wait in Abraham's bosom, until Christ died to be made perfect.
3) Abraham was not justified and made perfect before Christ shed His blood.
4) When a person is spiritually placed in Christ, they undergo the circumcision of Christ, and then arise in Christ a new creation, born anew. Thus both justification and regeneration occur in Christ and are spiritual actions of God.
5) Hebrews 11:13 says the OT saints died in faith but did not receive the promises. They were seeking God's kingdom but did not obtain it.
But once a person is washed by the blood of the Lamb, then the spirit is taken immediately to heaven in the presence of Jesus at the right hand of the Father. Recall John 3:13 says no one has ascended into heaven, thus the OT saints had to wait, because they were not justified, made perfect.
6) The New Covenant is one of the Everlasting Covenants, but other Everlasting Covenants are taught in the Old Testament. Next, I said the OT saints were indeed set apart by gaining approval through faith. When they died they were taken to Abraham's bosom. So they were sanctified, meaning set apart, but were not sanctified meaning made perfect. They were not justified before Christ died.
7) Once again Pentecost is dragged in by Biblicist to muddy the waters. Of course the OT teaches a person must be born anew, and that being born a descendent of Abraham does not get it done. The OT saints had to wait, in Abraham's bosom, before they were born anew in Christ, having been washed with His blood.
8) We are born anew, regenerated, made alive when we are spiritually placed in Christ by God, having credited our faith as righteousness. No one is made alive before they are placed in Christ. If they are not in Christ, they are spiritually dead. Now, does God fellowship with the spiritually dead? Yes. He died for them while they were yet sinners.
Jesus came to save the lost, not the self righteous. Calvinism stands on these kinds of mistaken beliefs, Jesus did not fellowship with spiritually dead people. Utter nonsense.
9) Again the repeat of the mistaken doctrine, Adam sinned, and as a consequence all people were made sinners, without having done anything go or bad. Recall Romans 9, if those two babies had sinned with Adam, then they would have done something bad. Your view is utter nonsense.
10) Returning to topic, the Bible teaches Conditional Election in many verses, including 2 Thessalonians 2:13, James 2:5, 1 Corinthians 1:26-30, 1 Peter 2:9-10, and Romans 11:5. The response has been to claim the OT saints were regenerated, being made alive before Christ shed His blood. However, this cannot be true because the Word, the pre-incarnate Christ came down from Heaven, and for the OT saints to have been in Him, they would have been in Heaven, and no one ascended to Heaven before Christ died. Thus the topic was derailed by utter nonsense. Go figure
2) The OT saints were not justified through the works of the Law, so they were saved via the New Covenant. When was the New Covenant inaugurated, at Christ's death for it is in His blood. Thus the OT saints gained approval, not perfection or justification, through faith under the old Covenants, but they had to wait in Abraham's bosom, until Christ died to be made perfect.
3) Abraham was not justified and made perfect before Christ shed His blood.
4) When a person is spiritually placed in Christ, they undergo the circumcision of Christ, and then arise in Christ a new creation, born anew. Thus both justification and regeneration occur in Christ and are spiritual actions of God.
5) Hebrews 11:13 says the OT saints died in faith but did not receive the promises. They were seeking God's kingdom but did not obtain it.
But once a person is washed by the blood of the Lamb, then the spirit is taken immediately to heaven in the presence of Jesus at the right hand of the Father. Recall John 3:13 says no one has ascended into heaven, thus the OT saints had to wait, because they were not justified, made perfect.
6) The New Covenant is one of the Everlasting Covenants, but other Everlasting Covenants are taught in the Old Testament. Next, I said the OT saints were indeed set apart by gaining approval through faith. When they died they were taken to Abraham's bosom. So they were sanctified, meaning set apart, but were not sanctified meaning made perfect. They were not justified before Christ died.
7) Once again Pentecost is dragged in by Biblicist to muddy the waters. Of course the OT teaches a person must be born anew, and that being born a descendent of Abraham does not get it done. The OT saints had to wait, in Abraham's bosom, before they were born anew in Christ, having been washed with His blood.
8) We are born anew, regenerated, made alive when we are spiritually placed in Christ by God, having credited our faith as righteousness. No one is made alive before they are placed in Christ. If they are not in Christ, they are spiritually dead. Now, does God fellowship with the spiritually dead? Yes. He died for them while they were yet sinners.
Jesus came to save the lost, not the self righteous. Calvinism stands on these kinds of mistaken beliefs, Jesus did not fellowship with spiritually dead people. Utter nonsense.
9) Again the repeat of the mistaken doctrine, Adam sinned, and as a consequence all people were made sinners, without having done anything go or bad. Recall Romans 9, if those two babies had sinned with Adam, then they would have done something bad. Your view is utter nonsense.
10) Returning to topic, the Bible teaches Conditional Election in many verses, including 2 Thessalonians 2:13, James 2:5, 1 Corinthians 1:26-30, 1 Peter 2:9-10, and Romans 11:5. The response has been to claim the OT saints were regenerated, being made alive before Christ shed His blood. However, this cannot be true because the Word, the pre-incarnate Christ came down from Heaven, and for the OT saints to have been in Him, they would have been in Heaven, and no one ascended to Heaven before Christ died. Thus the topic was derailed by utter nonsense. Go figure