The false assertions just keep coming from Calvinism. There are none who are righteous is consistent with my view, therefore an attempt to muddy the waters. Then we get this falsehood, "none who are seeking God on their own accord." I was claimed both Paul and Isaiah taught this fiction. So two fictions. Was any verse cited? Nope.
Scripture does teach Psalm 14 and Romans 3 that none seek God, but neither verse addresses whether this refers to at any time, the Calvinist addition, or when they are sinning, the contextual idea.
Next we get yet another falsehood, that we are saved by our own efforts, i.e. if we will to be saved, that will result in our salvation. Total utter and complete fiction. So yet another attempt to muddy the waters. God alone saves us, for we are saved by grace through faith. We are chosen through faith in the truth. So salvation does not depend on us choosing to trust in Christ, but in God crediting our worthless faith as righteousness.
Next the Calvinist doctrine of Limited Atonement is misrepresented, saying it refers to the limited application of Christ's sacrifice. Pure fiction. Calvinism teaches Christ died not for the whole world but for the elect only, which is shown to be false by 1 John 2:2. So rather than admit that Calvinism is unbiblical, the doctrine is misrepresented. Go figure.
No bogus rebuttal was even offered to defend the "I" in light of Matthew 23:13, so the point was evaded by saying the verse does not mean what it says, therefore my interpretation is mistaken. Men were entering heaven, therefore they were seeking God, yet they were blocked by false teachers teaching false doctrine. It is inescapable, they had the limited spiritual ability to seek God and trust in Christ, yet had not come to faith sufficient for God to credit it as righteousness, when their faith was made shipwreck by falsehoods.
Next yet another bogus and baseless claim is made that Calvinism is somehow consistent with scripture, after it has been shown over and over it is completely inconsistent with scripture.
God hardened hearts after the fall so He was taking away some spiritual ability possessed by natural men after the fall. Therefore, yet again the Calvinism assertion of no spiritual ability is clearly false and no one with an objective mind defends the bogus doctrines of Calvinism.