Four copy and past posts will nothing that has not be refuted before. Waste of time with an avalanche of verbiage, typical defense of Calvinism.
1) coming to Christ does not say coming to faith. This assertion is simply a rewrite that is repeated ad nauseam.
the ones who come to Christ are the Ones elected beforehand by the Father and preordained to come to Christ to be saved!
2) After God puts us spiritually in Christ is when we are justified, not before. Therefore coming to (arriving in) Christ occurs before justification.
Being Justified before/by God means that we are in christ! can't divide one here, as BOTH are true!
3) Read Romans 4:4-5, it says Abraham's faith was credited to Abraham as righteousness, it does not say Abraham was justified.
Apostle paul used an example though of One justified before God NOT due tohis good works, but thru faith in God and His promises!
4) The idea that justification is a legal term and not an action of God to forgive our sins and remember them no more forever is typical nonsense.
God still knows that we are sinners, he remembers all and every thing ever done by us, for he will judge our good works for quality, but He has chosen to see those sins thru jesus, so he "sees them no more", for he sees us clothed in rightiousness of Christ!
5)Come is not used to describe a change in physical location in the passage. Nonsense, verse 24, they came to Capernaum seeking Jesus. In verse 38 Jesus came down from heaven. Change in location is always in view.
But as I said, the phrase come to (arrive in) Me refers to God transferring a person spiritually, not physically into Christ, thus they shall not be cast out.
They all physically came to jesus, in order to be spiritually saved by him!
6) God's actions are describes using various verbs in the passage (John 6). To claim there are only two verbs is just nonsense times two.
7 Come to Jesus refers to physically coming to the proximity of Jesus to see and hear Him. To come to Jesus spiritually means for God to transfer the believer from the realm of darkness into the kingdom of His Son.
8) The difference between verse 36, those who came physically to see, but did not believe, and verse 40, God's will is that those who behold, i.e. see Jesus will also believe, and if they do then God will give them to Jesus (place them spiritually in Jesus) and they will not be cast out, but will be resurrected physically on the last day.
it is the Will of the Father that ALL those He gave to jesus shall be raised up . and that none shall be lost! God gave them to His Son, and they are the Ones that will be enabled by the Sprit to come to jesus and be able to receive him and get saved!
9) The father gives, first, and all He gives arrives in Christ, second. This is the order. Duh
10) Your use of tense in John 6:37 is silly. God is giving in the present, and those He is giving arrive in Jesus after the giving, i.e. in the future from the time of the giving. Then the future arrival is said to be in the past. Utter nonsense violating the syntax.
11) All those the Father gives to Jesus will arrive in Jesus, all of them.
They are given to jesus by the father BEFORE they came to faith in jesus, their faith is what the Lord used to grant them their promised salvation!
12) Next you repeat the misrepresentation that I have addressed three time. Only God puts us in Christ.
13) Now we get the full shuck and jive, I address one verse, and the Calvinist responds as if I was talking about another verse. I address physically coming to see Jesus and hear, and believe or not, and he responds that I am saying they arrived spiritually in Christ. Utter nonsense, simply one falsehood after another in an avalanche of verbiage to derail the thread and a discussion of Conditional Election.
14) Come to me physically means come to my physically, and come to me spiritually means come to me spiritually. Biblicist is simply throwing up a smokescreen to derail discussion of Conditional election.