Look Biblicist, I will try to explain this in a way that is so simple that even YOU can understand. This passage in Romans 11 utterly refutes Unconditional Election.
You Calvinists crack me up. You guys all think you are so smart. You have all your Reformed books and scholars. You guys think you are WAY smarter than non-Cals.
I hate to hurt you feelings, but this is not true. You guys are not smart, and you are not logical. If you were truly smart and truly logical you would easily spot the inconsistencies in your doctrine. Calvinism is plain STUPID. It really is, and once you see that you will agree with me.
So, we have to reduce this discussion to insults? Did any of my posts ever claim that I was smarter than you or that calvinsts were smarter than non-calvinists. Why reduce this discussion to that level?
But take note, you have not responded to my argument in Romans 11 that cutting off cannot possibly refer to loss of personal salvation since what was cutt off never possessed personal salvation in the first place. Thus "the gentiles" standing "by faith" does not refer to individual salvation any more than Israel having been cut off implies they lost PERSONAL salvation. What they were cut off from was from being the primary sphere of the gift "of faith" or God's saving grace and when the Gentiles reject Christ as did Israel they too will be cut off in the very same manner - nothing to do with individual salvation whatsoever.
Why go to philosophical arguments? Why not stick to the scriptures since that is where one must ultimately prove or disprove unconditional election.So here we go:
If Unconditional Election is true, whether speaking of individuals or nations, then no warning is necessary or meaningful for ANY person or nation.
No warning about what? Personal accountability is not invalidated by unconditional election. Election is NOT to damnation. Nowhere in scripture is election ever mentioned or implied to be a selection of men to hell. That choice comes by nature while election prevents all mankind from the just consequence of their own choice to resist and reject God. If not for election all mankind would FREELY CHOOSE and go to hell. Election is unconditional because it is God's mercy to save some in spite of themselves who are equally deserving eternal wrath as all others whom he freely allows to remain stedfast determination to resist and reject all the goodness of God and thus freely go to hell out of pure hatred for God. There go I but for the grace of God and YOU also!
Unconditional Election teaches that persons or nations are chosen by God for his own mysterious reasons. It is not due to faith or good works or any virtue in the man or nation.
God's grace of election is "mysterious" due to the fact that there is NOTHING that can be found in that nation or in that person or YOU that would justify God saving them any more than those who He simply allows to follow their own choice to hell.
Well, I think you can read what I said and see that I don't hold to the type of Calvinism you have in your mind.Now, I am not a Calvinist, but I was pretty accurate there wasn't I?
So why would Paul warn a person or nation to CONTINUE in God's goodness? In your system you have no say whatsoever in the matter. If God has unconditionally chosen you, you will irresistibly believe. If God passes you by, you cannot possibly believe.
Isn't that correct?
No sir, that is not my understanding of the Scriptures. I don't hold a view taken out of some Calvinistic literature but my view comes from my own studies of the scripture.
So why warn persons to continue in God's goodness? If God has decided to cut off the Gentiles, there is nothing they can do about it. If God has decided to graff the Jews back in, there is nothing you can do about it.
Your concept of Calvinis demands that damnation is God's choice as much as election of some is God's choice. That is not my concept or the concept I see in Scriptures. My view, which I believe is the Biblical view is that election has NOTHING to do with damnation but is only "to salvation" (2 Thes. 2:13). Election presupposes the fall logically.
Justified Damnation of all mankind presupposes Biblical election. Fallen man is foreseen by God to universally resist and reject God and all that God would do to save them IF that is left strictly to their own free choice (Psa. 14:2-3). Hence, left to their own free will they will "always resist" the Holy Spirit (Acts 7:51) even as their fathers due to their fallen nature. Hence, God's response to universal free choice to reject, resist and stedfastly go on thier way to hell is "unconditional" election so that some mankind will be saved IN SPITE OF THEMSELVES not by forcing them to be saved against their will but by replacing within them (heart, spirit) what produces determined choice - a new heart and new spirit (Ezek. 36:26). Nothing in them deserves this mercy as they are equally as guilty and definant in their sin as all other mankind that God merely allows to remain in their willful definance.
Perhaps some day the Lord will allow you to see the amazing grace of God to save something like you who is not one whit different than those who defiantly die in their sins.
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