Why refer to my views as conjectures, why not refer to your views as unbiblical nonsense?Besides your conjectures and inferences and imagination for that distinction what is the explicit Biblical evidence there are two different kinds of elections both of which are found in context of personal and individual salvation as is the case with Ephesians 1:4-11; 1 Thes. 1:4-5; 2 Thes. 2:13-14???? Proof please?
Let me go over the evidence yet again. Calvinism claims we were chosen individually before creation based on being chosen in Him before creation, Ephesians 1:4. However, we were chosen for salvation from or after or since creation according to 2 Thessalonians 2:13. To resolve this impossibility, Calvinism says "from the beginning refers to before creation. However, "apo" means out of and therefore cannot refer to before the beginning. So, next they claim that the beginning refers to before creation. Never mind Genesis 1:1 which say in the beginning God created heaven and earth. Calvinism depends on shredding the meaning of words to pour mistaken views into scripture.
Several (3) verses refer to before the foundation of the world, and these refer to a different time than those that refer to from the foundation of the world. The issue that is inescapable with 2 Thessalonians 2:13 is that we are chosen through faith in the truth. We did not exist before the foundation of the world, so our individual election occurred from or after or since the beginning.First, notice the differences. In one text it simply says that before the foundation of the world this election took place (Eph. 1:4). However, 2 Thessalonians 2:13 says nothing about any "foundation" or any "world" but says merely "from the beginning." The beginning of what? FROM THE BEGINNING OF GOD'S ELECTIVE CHOICE when the Father, Son and Holy Spirit made an "everlasting covenant" (Heb. 13:20).
Not true. God could elect a target group with His redemption plan before creation, yet place individuals in that group after creation.However, one thing is for certain, this elective choice preceded the birth of any of God's elect from Genesis to revelation and thus is not based upon anything after the beginning found in their existence.
Yet another effort mislead, I did not claim election to damnation. But I did claim God's choice of individuals sometimes is not for salvation but for another purpose, i.e. Judas was chosen to fulfill the betrayer prophecy.Election is always in regard to salvation - always! It is never found in scripture unto damnation.
EIS has several uses, including describing on what basis an action was taken.The ordinary use of the Greek preposition "eis" when its object is found in the accusative case (2 Thes. 2:13) is one of terminating action.
Reading lesson: "through sanctification by the Spirit" refers to the Holy Spirit placing us spiritually in Christ. When God sets us apart in Christ, that is our individual election for salvation, 2 Thessalonians 2:13.Wrong! "in Christ" identifies the SPHERE of election not "how" they were elected. The "how" is repeatedly defined by the prepositional phrases "according to"
You are repeating the error I corrected in a prior post. Our individual election for salvation is not based on foreseen faith. Shall I repeat this sentence 10 times? It is based on God crediting our faith as righteousness, so our individual election occurs during our lifetime, not before creation.What you are saying is that election has its basis in foreseen faith when you say "election is God crediting our faith as righteousness." Also, you are confusing justification with election. Justification "is God crediting our faith as righteousness (Rom. 4:3,6).
Not true. John 6:37 says nothing about coming to faith. Do not rewrite verse after verse.Election does not have its basis in "our faith" but is the cause of our faith "through sanctification of the 4-65Spirit AND belief of the truth." Faith or coming to Christ is the consequence not the cause of being given to Christ by the Father in election (Jn. 6:37,39, 44-45; 65).
Yet another reading lesson: Our individual election for salvation is not because we are sanctified, we are sanctified, i.e. set apart in Christ, because God chooses to put us in Christ, thus our individual election for salvation. After we are in Christ, we are made holy through the blood of Christ, the circumcision of Christ.You are reversing cause and effects as election is the basis that we "might be sanctified" not because we are sanctified and holy before him (Eph. 1:4b).
Not true. We are not chosen because of foreseen faith, or good character or any other foreseen attribute. When God credits our faith as righteousness, God is the one who does it, and is also the one who puts us in Christ. So God does it all. Our faith was worthless, a filthy rag, until God in His great mercy, credited it as righteousness. Therefore salvation does not depend on the one who wills, i.e. puts his complete faith in Christ, or runs, i.e. does works worthy of repentance, but rather on God alone.You are teaching that election is based upon foreseen good when that is precisely what Paul denies concerning the purpose of God according to election (Rom. 9:11).
There are lots of scholars who disagree, and believe there are corporate elections in scripture. You are also using a logical fallacy, just because "a" is false, that does not prove "b" is false.There is no corporate election any more than there is any corporate damnation.
Yes, this is what I have been saying!!!! God chose us for salvation individually and personally based on crediting our faith as righteousness, 2 Thessalonians 2:13. This individual election put us into the corporate group chosen in Him, Ephesians 1:4.The choice unto salvation was personal and individual and based upon God's purpose of Grace. One must be "created in Christ" personally and individually in addition to be chosen "in him" - Eph. 1:4; 2:10.
You got that right.Ephesians 1:13-14 proves that election in Christ is personal and individual. The Father chose (Eph. 1:4-6); the Son redeemed (Eph. 1:7-8) and the Holy Spirit applied that redemption personally and individually.
Many scholars agree with me on this point, there are corporate elections in scripture. Denial does not alter the facts.Reading lesson, election in all contexts mentioned is directly associated with personal and individual salvation as its consequence.
Why are you making the case for individual election, do you not comprehend I advocate individual election for salvation???? My view is a corporate election followed by an individual election. I you cannot grasp that rather simple concept, there is nothing more I can say.Look at 1 Thes. 1:4-5. Verse 4 tells individuals they can know if they are one of God's elect. Verse 5 tells individuals how they can know they are God's elect. 2 Thes. 2:13-14 is election in direct relationship to personal and individual sanctification by the Spirit AND belief of the truth. Ephesians 1:4 is election that obtains sanctification (holy) and ultimate glorification (blameless) before him. You cannot have a corporate election without corporate salvation as election is indisputably presented as the cause of salvation in each context.
1. "that ye might be" - holy and blameless - Eph. 1:4
2. "knowing....your election of God. FOR... - 1 Thes. 1:4-5
3. "to (Gr. eis) salvation through.... 2 Thes. 2:13
Yes the corporate election of Ephesians 1:4 refers to a future action, being made holy and blameless through the blood of Christ. This is God's redemption plan formulated before the foundation of the world. After we are individually chosen during our lifetime, then we know our election. And yes we are individually chosen for salvation through being set apart in Christ on the basis of God crediting our faith in the truth as righteousness.
Now you drag exhaustive determinism into the discussion. Calvinism is defended by skipping from point to point, bring us endless digressions. The topic is conditional election.Deal with the language instead of philosophizing and paraphrasing your own ideology! This plan did not merely include salvation but Paul says "ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER" and they work together because God is working them "ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE" - v. 28
The identify of the repeated "those" in verse 29-30 are "the elect" in verse 32. This election is eternal, individual and personal and that is indisputably proven by the context. This is the mechanics of election to salvation.
Yet another reading lesson, the "those" in verse 28 refers to those who love God. They have been, past tense, called which means God transferred they out of the realm of darkness in to His marvelous light, i.e. they were placed spiritually in Christ. And these placed in Christ, redeemed by the Lamb of God, were foreknown before the foundation of the world, because that is when God formulated His redemption plan to redeem believers.
Response continues in next post:
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