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St. Augustine was.An off topic question, perhaps for a new thread is: Can a Roman Catholic be a monergist?
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St. Augustine was.An off topic question, perhaps for a new thread is: Can a Roman Catholic be a monergist?
Not unless the Pope admits he and the others are wrong.St. Augustine was.![]()
There we have it. Our big difference. You are preaching synergism. God cannot fully save and keep you without your agreement and cooperation.
You seem unaware that God does not require your assistance and if he did...salvation would not be by grace (unmerited favor), instead salvation would depend on your works in order to merit God's favor. In your teaching you kill grace entirely and promote human work as the means of meriting God's favor. You teach a graceless salvation.
I view God's work as monergistic. God, alone, saves us by his grace, without any merited effort on our part. God chooses to have mercy upon whom he has mercy (Romans 9). We see this truth from Genesis 3 onwards as God chooses whom He wills to redeem.
When God works in the ones He has chosen, the fruit of the Spirit will be evident in that the Redeemed will love, will have joy, peace, gentleness, faithfulness, etc. God the Holy Spirit enables the elect of God to do these things.
Now, after God has saved us and justified us by His work alone, there is a sanctifying work of God where we can either fight or cooperate with God as He disciplines us. We all know this fight and the Apostle Paul presents this fight in Romans 7, yet he concludes in Romans 8 that there is no longer any condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Your synergistic belief and my monergistic belief are at odds.
"At the heart of the division between Protestants and Catholics is the disagreement over the doctrine of justification. According to Catholic theology, justification is believed to be a lifelong process in which the sinner becomes intrinsically righteous, to the extent that he or she cooperates with grace. On the other side, Protestants assert that this ends up confusing justification with sanctification. Whereas sanctification is a process, justification is a once-for-all declaration of right standing with God that is ultimately rooted in Christ’s perfect righteousness."
This is how it works. Paul says believers have Christ's imputed righteousness just as they once had Adam's imputed sin. So we cannot perish. Salvation is out of our hands. But Paul teaches that we have our own wood, hay, stubble works that can merit reward in the resurrection. Or be burnt up leaving us with no righteousness of our own. But he says even if that is the case, we are still saved because of Christ's (God's) very own imputed gift of righteousness. This is the true presentation of OSAS. Christ's imputed righteousness is pure love credited to us even if our works of love fall short.Mate, you missing the point entirely.
You receive Faith at one point in time by Grace, but each opportunity to Love isn’t given to us all at one instant is it.
The grace to Love is given to us as our daily bread, so it’s ongoing day to day sustenance we ask The Father for in the Lord’s Prayer.
Why because each opportunity to Love is revealed to us day by day moment by moment in time. Do you see dude?
We can’t do anything, we need grace for Faith and grace to Love with good works. It’s all by grace mate, so I don’t see why people have a problem with it.
God’s Love is showering down on us at every moment, we need to receive those graces to Love if we are to give that Love to others.
We need to fill up from the source of Love each day like the mana in the morning, we are really bankrupt because Jesus said it flat out “ Without me, you can do nothing “.
Dudes might have the Faith thing down, but they aren’t receiving the graces to Love or even recognising the opportunities God places in front of them each day.
We need to ask for our daily bread, to remind us of our utter reliance on God. Why do you think God lead Israel into the desert and only gather the days need of mana. So that’s why this reliance on receiving our daily bread, feeds straight back into our faith as well.
Do you see why Faith and Love are essential, those good works are God’s works, and even those who receive those good works are Christ receiving them. “What you did for the least of these you did for me”.
We are rewarded for those good works, because God is gracious, not because we deserve it.
I don’t know how much more I can explain it mate.
There is no Biblical case for Catholicism. So how do you prove the rest of your claim?I have documented the Catholic bibical case for justification and sanctification as a continuous process and evangelicals have consintently ducked these texts. So cathode is quite right to stress the practical heart of the matter.
We do not affirm either infant regeneration, nor effectual saving grace in the water baptism, but Rome affirms both!1) This thread is about Catholics
2) It is NOT a sacrament
3) Pouring is NOT sufficient
4) Immersion is only a symbol for those who have been born again
5) Those who have been sprinkled - need to be immersed.
Justification per bible instant act, performed by God moment one receives Jesus as Savior and Lord!I have documented the Catholic bibical case for justification and sanctification as a continuous process and evangelicals have consintently ducked these texts. So cathode is quite right to stress the practical heart of the matter.
They reverse the process, as they see us needing to reach a sanctified state provided in and by sacramental graces to merit being then Justified by God!The RCC, in my opinion, misunderstands salvation, justification and sanctification, getting them all jumbled up and confused.
We see in Ephesians 2:4-9 that salvation is by grace alone.
We see in Romans 1 through 11 that justification (legally being guiltless) is by faith alone.
We see our sanctification in Hebrews 12 where God disciplines us as his children in refining us. These are different works of God as acts of mercy upon whom he chooses.
The RCC adds sacraments as means of human ceremony that invokes God to be gracious, as if humans can influence God. Such man-centered teaching is not in scripture, but comes from legalism created in church tradition.
Funny because our major point of contention is that one could be misled, A person can do wrong.Catholicism exists to mislead God's elect
You are missing the point. Our justification is by faith. When God gives us faith, we are justified. Our sins are not held against us.Mate, you missing the point entirely.
You receive Faith at one point in time by Grace, but each opportunity to Love isn’t given to us all at one instant is it.
The grace to Love is given to us as our daily bread, so it’s ongoing day to day sustenance we ask The Father for in the Lord’s Prayer.
Why because each opportunity to Love is revealed to us day by day moment by moment in time. Do you see dude?
We can’t do anything, we need grace for Faith and grace to Love with good works. It’s all by grace mate, so I don’t see why people have a problem with it.
God’s Love is showering down on us at every moment, we need to receive those graces to Love if we are to give that Love to others.
We need to fill up from the source of Love each day like the mana in the morning, we are really bankrupt because Jesus said it flat out “ Without me, you can do nothing “.
Dudes might have the Faith thing down, but they aren’t receiving the graces to Love or even recognising the opportunities God places in front of them each day.
We need to ask for our daily bread, to remind us of our utter reliance on God. Why do you think God lead Israel into the desert and only gather the days need of mana. So that’s why this reliance on receiving our daily bread, feeds straight back into our faith as well.
Do you see why Faith and Love are essential, those good works are God’s works, and even those who receive those good works are Christ receiving them. “What you did for the least of these you did for me”.
We are rewarded for those good works, because God is gracious, not because we deserve it.
I don’t know how much more I can explain it mate.
A perfectly good topic on the differences between Catholic beliefs and Protestant beliefs degrades into yet another "Calvinism vs Arminianism" exchange of sound bytes. At least HALF of the Protestants would agree with you about synergistic salvation (men cooperating with God to be saved). All of the General Baptists would. None of the Particular Baptists would. All Methodists would. Lutherans and Presbyterians would be split.
The point is monergism (God saves us in spite of ourselves) is not really a Protestant distinctive.
Good point.
The OP is the distinctive regarding justification in the two areas of thought. That distinctive serms to be less along Protestant v Catholic lines than it is along synergist v monergist lines.
An off topic question, perhaps for a new thread is: Can a Roman Catholic be a monergist?
If you go back to the Protestant-Catholic divide, you have the Catholics as the Kingdom of Antichrist. And the Protestants as the visible Kingdom of God.
At the time of the Catholic-Protestant split, the analogy of the Catholic Church to "the antichrist" was more accurate. Even Catholics revolted at the corruption and abuses and the RCC underwent internal reforms (I assume I cannot still use my political influence to buy my son a seat as a Bishop or a Cardinal, and some Cardinals no longer maintain harems).I don't mind being called evil. God loves an underdog.
What don't I believe?Funny because our major point of contention is that one could be misled, A person can do wrong.
So it only proves you don't even believe what you say you believe.
Its only faith alone, but if they are catholic have to disengage their current activity and do the good work of switching faiths.
Catholic priority is loving God, Not salvation and how to hold leverage over God.
You cannot prevent their Salvation if it's God's will, but you CAN hinder them, which is what I was saying. Catholicism will hinder God's elect and delay the day of their salvation through its incorrect Gospel.Suppose I actually believed in Faith Alone and Once Saved Always Saved:
Nothing I can tell this person or they can do themselves (GOOD WORK) that will lead to their salvation nor is there anything I could say that would jeopardize or prevent their salvation.
They are not already Saved. They are in the Catholic Church. Therefore in their unsaved state they are misled by doctrines of salvation through works, which the Catholic Church upholds in their teaching of penance and purgatory and they never hear God's Gospel.And if they are already been saved, how can they be misled at all or lose any salvation if the begin doing the wrong things?
The minute anyone says I should switch faiths else face damnation, They are telling me they don't even believe what they preach.