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Unfinished Business

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It won't be finished until the Lord comes to take His Children home. Until then, we are to preach the Word, reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
The Word is not faulty.

It is evident by some remarks this day and age that we are already living in that time when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lust shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears.
standingfirminChrist said:
The Word is not faulty.

It is evident by some remarks this day and age that we are already living in that time when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lust shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears.

No, the Word is not faulty. It is your interpretation that is faulty. What is faulty is what we do with His Word that has no fault. Are you always correct standing?


New Member
A preacher told me one time that Salvation was imported for him, and Salvation was imparted to him and Salvation was inprinted in him.

The problem with some of us is that our "salvation" has not been imprinted in us. We want the benifit of Gods Salvation but we consider "Holy living" or a separated life consecrated unto Christ extra baggage. If we would be truly Saved we would have no problem living apart from the world and "unto" Christ......and this thread and other christian drinking alcohol threads would have never got off the ground.


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Who defines "holy living"? If it's Scripture, then all of these extrabiblical commands don't qualify.


New Member
readmore said:
The canonicity of the book of 1 Mikado hasn't been established yet. You know, the one that has
  • Thou shalt not bee-bop to the latest "Christian" music.
  • Thou shalt not check the papers for the latest lottery numbers.
  • Thy wife shall not smell as the ladies in the red light district smell.
  • Thou shalt not participate in football pools, neither in any pools pertaining to sports.
  • Thou shalt not smoke.

Mikado, I'm sure there are many more where those came from. Why not lay them all out on the table?

The sarcasm drips!

The words you quoted are not intended as holy writ. They are used as an example of how when we let the world into our lives it can and often does have a negative impact on those around us (saved and unsaved).

Deny that music can be used to influence the flesh. If you beleive it is not used this way watch a suspense or action movie and see if the music does not have an impact. Watch what happens in a room of people when modern music is turned on. The music behind the words can be either a positive and negative. How does it impact the flesh?

For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. Gal 6:8

Deny that gambling can be addictive and that many people and their families have been destroyed by it.

And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful. Mark 4:19

Deny that women dress scantily, wear heels, and wear perfume as an attractant. I've heard many women give testimonies stating that this type of dress is intended to draw attention to themselves. By doing this they draw their brethren down.

In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array. 1Ti 2:9

Deny that there is not one positive redeeming factor about smoking. Not only is it detrimental to your own life, but to those around you. Are we not to take care of this body that God has given us?

Now put these all together. Can you deny that a person setting such an example may not lead a weaker brother or unsaved person down the wrong path? Do you want to be the smoker, drinker or gambler that inspires another to get addicted to that vice? These are the questions I asked? I did not try to set forth any canon, I am merely trying to understand why a Christian would continue to do these activities if there is any remote possiblility that they could lead another to fall.

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Rom 12:2


New Member
282Mikado said:
The sarcasm drips!

The words you quoted are not intended as holy writ. They are used as an example of how when we let the world into our lives it can and often does have a negative impact on those around us (saved and unsaved).

Sigh... Try to understand that I attempt to use humor a lot when making points, and it's not intended to "mock" or to "drip sarcasm" any more than your or SFIC's posts are intended to question my salvation or wrongfully accuse me of twisting scripture to satisfy my own lusts. We are all brethren, no?

Your message shows that you completely missed the point. The point is that you set up your interpretation of the Bible as the standards that all Christians must be judged by.


New Member
readmore said:
The point is that you set up your interpretation of the Bible as the standards that all Christians must be judged by.

Your point is in error. If you look at my first posting in this thread (somewhere around page 13) my point was to get answers to those questions just stated in my last post (albiet the last posting has a couple more but no less important items added). As yet not a single person that condones these things has said why they will continue to drink, gamble, smoke, etc. (and strongly defend their ability to do so) even if there is the remotest possiblity that they could lead someone down the road to perdition. Why do those things that are not needful if they can be harmful to yourself or others?

dan e.

New Member
standingfirminChrist said:
When the interpretation allows one to drink the venom of asps and the poison of dragons, it is a false interpretation.

An honest question....have you every thought you could be wrong about your interpretations? Not just on this issue....but anything?

Or, are you sincerely convinced you've got it all right?
dan e. said:
An honest question....have you every thought you could be wrong about your interpretations? Not just on this issue....but anything?

Or, are you sincerely convinced you've got it all right?

Didn't you know that he is the only one whom the Holy Spirit has given truth?
The Holy Spirit gives the Truth to all God's Children. Problem is, many reject that Truth.

I know I am right on the alcohol issue as God's Word has stated not to have anything to do with alcohol.

I pray others see that truth as well.
How is the weather where you live today? Will you argue with that question standing?
How about this one? Has this business finished yet?
How many more replies will I have to post before it is?
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