I don't think that the Taliban will keep any deal for more than thirty seconds. And as soon as we leave, terrorists from the Muslim world will flock to Afghanistan once again. I don't know how you get the rule that negotiating with terrorists is the clearest proof of failed imperialism when there is no one there to negotiate with other than terrorists. It is not imperialism when you go there because you were attacked from there on Nine Eleven.
I think that you live in a dream world about what Islam is like. They are considered responsible for 240 million murders in the last 1400 years. They murdered 80 million in India alone. That liar Omar may stand up for homosexuals now but wherever Muslims become a ruling majority, homosexuals will be put to death.
It matters not whether Muslims have killed ten billion. I know when Christian I s kill you omit those in your count but every Muslim killing must be killing in the name of their faith .Lie to yourself about the superiority of your religion as you wish ,but this is not about religion but imperialism.
The more we increase war in terror budget, the more terrorism grows. Makes me wonder whether terror is being manufactured to justify millitary spending
To the subject
Let other countries,however 'backward' be. Regime changes never work. Look at Iraq, Syria,Yemen,Libya, Somalia (watch Blackhawk Down if you are too lazy to read). And lately Venezuela. Nobody intervened in America civil war, why should they intervene when others are squaring it out?