So what is the big picture on the topic? You know, that the USA could be the Babylon that gets destroyed before the very end?
From Hendriksen's commentary:
"In the final judgment, moreover, these bowls of wrath will be completely emptied upon impenitent, hardened sinners. Similarly, ‘Babylon’ falls whenever the kingdoms of the world—whether Babylonia, Assyria or Rome— collapse. The great and final fall of Babylon occurs in connection with the second coming of our Lord to judge the world."
"Babylon is the world as centre of seduction."
"In order to arrive at the correct view with respect to the symbolical meaning of this figure, we must bear in mind, first of all, that Babylon is called the great harlot. In other words, the symbol indicates that which allures, tempts, seduces and draws people away from God. Secondly, we must remember that this harlot is a worldly city, namely, Babylon. It reminds us of pleasure-mad, arrogant, presumptuous Babylon of old. The description of this symbolical Babylon of Revelation 17-19 also recalls to our mind that heathen centre of wickedness and seduction, Tyre. Observe the striking similarity between Revelation 17-19 and Ezekiel 2 7, 28. Moreover, when we study the catalogue of goods found in Babylon (18: 11 if.) it becomes evident that the symbol has reference to a great industrial and commercial metropolis. Babylon, therefore, must indicate the world as a centre of industry, commerce, art, culture, etc., which by means of all these things seeks to entice and seduce the believer, that is, to turn him away from God. It symbolizes the concentration of the luxury, vice, and glamour of this world. It is the world viewed as the embodiment of ‘the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the vainglory of life’ (1 Jn. 2: 16). Thirdly, Babylon thus viewed is past, present and future. Its form changes; its essence remains. Let us remember that the harlot, Babylon, is very closely associated with the beast, so closely, in fact, that she is said to be sitting on the beast (17: 3). The beast is the entire antichristian persecution movement throughout history, embodied in successive world empires. The beast, very clearly, is past, present, and future. (Read Rev. 17: 8-10.) Therefore we conclude that the harlot also represents the world as the centre of antichristian seduction at any moment of history."