Babylon traded and made kings rich. Nation's traders in boats watched her burn. Her judgment is seen by those traders who fear, and can never trade there again. This all happens before the ten kings come to power. The smoke rises and is seen. The destruction comes in one hour, one day…..
Like many before you, you try to mask disbelief and waving away Scripture, and a complete lack of understanding as something else. Run along.
Many scholars see the The Roman Empire as “Babylon”. They traded and made nations rich. Rome was burned during various invasions, any of which could fulfill that prophecy including the kings that rose to power after Rome fell.
Great Britain ruled much of the known world and was a prolific trader that was destroyed by the Nazi’s. Everyone saw the country burn. It could easily fulfill this prophecy including the rulers that came afterward.
These are just two of the western countries, but scripture was written in the Middle East. Like so many who follow dispensationalism, you are complexly focused on western civilization, trying to fit it into the prophecy of Revelation which was written in an ancient near East context.
What of Egypt? India? What of modern Iraq? The original Babylon was there. They rose in power in that region, was a major production of oil and was destroyed by Untied Nation forces. Do you remember the oil field fires that burned for weeks and months? That “burning” was seen by all nations and the country has never recovered.
However, other countries in the region have gained in power and influence, including Irani and Saudi Arabia.
These countries are big traders of oil that make many nations rich.
We haven’t even began to discuss China and their continued expansion of power through economics and military strength.
Your ignorance of history, scripture and world events is breathtaking. Luckily, your speculation will deceive relatively few believers.
I’ll “run along” now and leave you to wallow in the mire that is your speculation.
Thanks for the conversation
peace to you