To clarify (there was a misunderstanding):
I do believe businesses should determine their own practices and the federal government has no say. But
@Reynolds was speaking of state governments (particular California). This changes things.
A man living in Georgia or South Carolina has NO legitimate authority to impose his will on California.
States have rights. Most, I guess all, have to done extent sold their rights to the federal government for federal dollars.
If California makes it a law that every house us to be painted purple then that is an issue for California. If SC says every house is to be painted purple then that is an issue for me.
But we live in a free society governed by the people. State governors are elected by the people of the state and can be removed by the people of the state. We do not live in a nation where majority rules, but we do not live in States where minorities determine its governance.
What some are calling "freedom" and "liberty" is in fact tyrany. They want to determine how other people live, what other states do. They want a strong federal government if that government enacts their agendas.
Disclaimer - I will always argue for States rights. I believe the federal government has exceeded its authority but at the same time States have allowed it (which is a state issue).