The argument, as per the last 20 years of animal studies, is that the vaccine increases immune enhancement of disease, meaning that vaccination makes a less-safe environment. The argument is that the delta variant is insufficiently changed to merit breakthrough, but that it is, in fact, not a variant but another wave of the same infection, the result of immune enhancement of disease. The argument is that if you love your neighbor and wish to do the responsible thing, then you will refuse this vaccine at all costs.
The argument is that all forms of media are being heavily censored in favor of directing people to take this stab. The argument is that the vaccine has always been known to do far more harm than good, as per the animal studies. The argument is that our leaders promised in January that the vaccine would always be purely voluntary, and by September these same leaders threatened to make us suffer if we did not comply. The argument is that if I give in to the pressure, then it will be that much harder for you to resist, and if I love my neighbor, then I will not compromise with evil, enabling an evil government to bear down harder on an ever-shrinking minority whose only crime is attempting to survive.
The argument is that we are being lied to, and that all arguments in favor of the vaccine come from either liars, or those who have fallen into the clutches of liars and become vested in their own destruction. I do not wish to hide my unvaccinated body from the general public, because I do not want to perpetuate the lie that I am dangerous to them. In reality, they, the vaccinated, are dangerous to all of us, but I forgive them for what may become the complete and utter destruction of my society. I forgive them because they do not know what they are doing.