Steaver, first let me say that I appreciate the irenic tone of your post. It seems we do agree on several things, so I'll limit this reply mostly to what we still disagree on....
I had said:
I realized that the believers' security was conditioned on him continuing to, well, be a BELIEVER. And according to Scriptures saving faith is not something that exists only in the intellectual realm, but is that which works through love. That's the only faith that avails for anyting in Christ Jesus (GAL 5:6) and that's the kind of faith that a Believer must continue to have in order to continue to abide in Christ.
To which you replied:
Steaver said:
And I would totally agree with all of this, but this is not the issue, the issue is whether one can stop believing in that which one has a personal knowledge of is an absolute truth.
Well, it is indeed the issue. I think if it is possible for angels that were created holy, and were in the very presence of the Almighty, to rebel, then it is certainly possible for humans, who have come to a knowledge of the truth through Christ and who have in fact previously escaped the pollutions of the world, to do the same (see 2 Peter 2).
steaver said:
Born of God is a new creation, two become one, the old man is passed, a new man is created by God and for God, eternal life is created in that man. That alone, Eternal Life, is of GREAT importance in this discussion. If one has it, the term alone does not allow for it to ever cease to exist.
I think here is where a good part of the misconception lies. The Apostle John wrote this:
"11 And this is the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. 12 He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life." (1 John 5:11-12)
Notice that eternal life is IN CHRIST--it's
not located
in us independent of our connection to Christ. This is further supported earlier in the epistle when John wrote:
" 2 the life was manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to you that eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested to us-- " (1 John1:2)
So, again, we see that ETERNAL Life is located in the
PERSON of Christ.
He is ETERNAL--with no beginning or end. We only
POSSESS this life
in time when we embrace Christ. In otherwords, our
possesion of eternal life is
not eternal as it had a
beginning point in time. And
if we are ever severed from Christ through unbelief, then that
possession of eternal life will also have an ending in time as well.
12 He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life".
I had said:
However, as I pointed out above, one can choose to submit to God's correction and continue in the faith, or one can persistently DESPISE His correction and so harden himself to the point where he no longer has a lively fruit producing faith in Christ.
To which you replied:
steaver said:
I just don't see that taught in the scriptures. Here you have fruit producing faith. That is incorrect, it is faith which produces the fruit, not the other way around.
Actually, you misunderstand me, which is probably
my fault as I unfortunately omitted some punctuation marks. Here's what I meant to say:
"he no longer has a
lively, fruit-producing faith in Christ." (notice the addition of the comma and hyphen, which shows that 'lively' and 'fruit-producing" are adjectives which modifies faith). I certainly did not intend to give the impression that fruit produces faith. :laugh:
steaver said:
The scripture concerning a "shipwrecked faith" is not clear if this is a true believer who has gone astray doctrinally, or if it is a false convert who's faith was merely intellectual. This particular scripture does not give enough information to make an honest judgment against OSAS.
I'll concede your point here that the precise meaning of this particular passage is somewhat uncertain as the wording seems to be somewhat ambiguous, so I won't belabor the point here. However, there are other Pauline passages that speak of the importance of continuing in the faith (lest one is cut off--Romans 11:20-22) and continuing to believe (in the gospel in which they stand) unless they have ultimately believed in vain (1 Cor 15:1-2), and warning believers about receiving the grace of God in vain (2 Cor 6:1). The Apostle Paul also warned that one could
fall from grace, and logically one cannot fall from a place he was never in (Gal )
steaver said:
Now a DEAD faith is addressed in the book of James and he makes it clear that these persons are professors only (if a man say he hath faith) of faith in Christ and by their fruits prove that they have not entered into a relationship with the Living God.
Or it could demonstrate that a person NO LONGER has a relationship with the Living God. James doesn't specifically state that a person with a dead faith NEVER had a live faith at some point--just that the one who HAS no works to complete his faith does not have a lively faith. Therefore this may refer to those who have ALWAYS been false professors (ie NEVER saved), or those who are presently false professors (who aren't currently producing any fruit)
steaver said:
Agreed. But again, the issue is whether or not one can lose their salvation by grieving the Holy Spirit. I don't see it in scripture.
Couldn't one say that blaspheming the Holy Spirit is the ultimate grieving/quenching/insulting of the Holy Spirit? We know the believers are warned not to grieve, quench or insult the Holy Spirit, so this implies that such things are possible for the believer to do. There is therefore no logical reason to exclude the possibility that a believer could likewise blaspheme against the Spirit if he persistently resists and repeatedly refuses to respond to His convicting call to repent.
Believers (brethren) are instructed to live to the Spirit, and by the Spirit to mortify the deeds of the flesh so they may LIVE (Romans 8:12-13); and likewise they (the same people) are warned not to live according to the flesh or they will DIE.
[*NB: it's probably important to point out here that FALSE believers can't make this choice since they don't have the indwelling Spirit by Whom they can mortify the deeds of the flesh
]. Similarly, believers are enjoined to sow to the Spirit rather than to the flesh so that they will reap everlasting life rather than corruption if they don't lose hope (Gal 6:7-9).
[*NB: and again, only true believers have the Spirit to whom they can sow; False believers can't do this, and they certainly don't have any actual "hope" which they can lose
Those who do NOT sow to the Spirit (and who do NOT mortify the deeds of the flesh by the Spirit) cannot expect to bear the FRUIT of the Spirit. And we know that fruitless branches are those that are not continuing to abide in the Vine, and thus they will be cut off if they remain fruitless.
I had said:
OTOH, and at the same time, I also do NOT believe that a Christian is permanantly and irrevocably saved
regardless however he chooses to live his life after coming to Christ. Both ideas are unbiblical extremes and are thus in error.
To which you replied...
steaver said:
Here in lies the real issue I think. We get frustrated how people who calls themselves Christian live. Well, we just have to let God make that final judgment as to whether he ever knew them or not.
This is ultimately true, and it is also true that one who currently stands by faith could potentially not continue in that faith and be cut off. God will ultimately judge that one as well.
steaver said:
I will keep preaching to those who profess Jesus but don't seem to care about His commandments at all. I will consider such one's as never having been born again and will continue to tell them about Jesus.
Or it could be they have been born again but have backslidden quite a bit, in which case they need to be urged to repent and return to Christ. In either case, keep preaching Christ, brother. :thumbs: