Doubting Thomas
Active Member
Indeed there are, including the one I mentioned above in Heb 3:12, in which it warns 'HOLY BRETHREN' lest there be in any of THEM an evil heart of unbelief in DEPARTING FROM the Living God. The writer doesn't make a distinction here between 'TRUE Holy brethren' and alleged 'pseudo-holy brethren'.There are many scriptures warning against unbelief.
Indeed he does. Specifically he states: "Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your calling and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble (2 Peter 1:10).Peter says we should make our calling and election sure.
So Peter is connecting making their "calling and election sure" with doing certain things--what things is he talking about? Well he LISTS them in vs.5-7 where he tells the brethren to add to their faith, virtue, knowledge, self-control, patient, godliness, brotherly kindness and love. Peter states if those 'things' are theirs, they'll be "neither barren nor unfruitful in their knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ." (2 Peter 1:8)
OTOH, he states the one who "lacks these things"..."has forgotten he was cleansed from his old sins." (2 Peter 1:9). So let me ask you this: Can it be TRUE of one who has NEVER been truly saved that He had been truly cleansed from his old sins? IF NOT, then Peter is addressing those who HAD BEEN SAVED here, but ones who have become (or were at least in danger of becoming) barren and unfruitful in their knowlege of Christ, and who weren't making their calling and election sure and were thus in danger of stumbling and falling short of entering Christ's everlasting kingdom, which He supplies to the ones who DO diligently add those things to their faith (2 Peter 1:11).
In short, Peter can hardly be enlisted as one who supports OSAS.
Yep, and Paul uses the same Greek word for reprobates (adokimos) in 2 Cor 13:5 (the verse you cited) as he does in 1 Cor 9:27--"But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should be disqualified (adokimos)"Paul tells us to examine ourselves that Jesus Christ is really in us less we be found reprobates.
In otherwords, Paul was aware of the possibility of he himself becoming reprobate/castaway/disqualified (whatever the translation) if he didn't perservere. He acknowledges in Philippians he had not already attained the resurrection of the dead, but he pressed on, not counting himself to have already apprehended or laid hold on it (Phil 3:12-14). He told the Colossians who had been reconciled by Christ (Col 1:21) that they would be presented holy and blameless in His sight (Col 1:22) IF they continued in the faith and are not moved AWAY from the hope of the Gospel (Col 1:23)
Of course we must, and that includes the CONTEXTS of the verses that you just cited.We have to base our doctrines upon the entirety of scripture.
But none which state the seal is unbreakable nor imply the believer's relationship with the Spirit is perpetually static. To the contrary, in Scriptures believers enjoined to WALK in the Spirit (so they don't carry out the desires of the flesh), LIVE by the Spirit, be FILLED with the Spirit, SOW to the Spirit, and by the Spirit put to death the deeds of the flesh. Conversely, believers are warned not to grieve or quench the Spirit nor insult the Spirit of grace.There are numerous scriptures which state we are sealed by the Holy Ghost unto redemption,
It's only those believers ('brethren') who continue LIVE BY the Spirit and BY THE SPIRIT put to death the deeds of the flesh that will LIVE; those who persist rather in living according to the flesh will DIE (Rom 8-12-13). It is those who SOW to the Spirit and continue doing so that will REAP LIFE EVERLASTING if they don't lose heart (Gal 6:7-9)
But you left out a part- We are "kept by the power of God THROUGH FAITH for salvation" (1 Pet 1:5). If one loses or makes shipwreck their faith, they are no longer being kept by the power of God for salvation.we are kept by the power of God unto salvation, etc.
Likewise Paul states the believers "have access by faith into this grace in which we stand (present tense)" (Rom 5:2) and actually stand (present tense) by faith (Rom 11:20). No one has access into or stands in grace by a 'FALSE faith'; nor does one actually stand by a 'FALSE faith'. Yet, Paul warned those who were in fact standing by faith, that if they didn't continue they'd be CUT OFF, just has the unbelieving Jews already had (Rom 11:22).
But that's your mis-interpretation of the parable. Only the first soil has never been 'saved'--ie the seed was never planted. The other three soils were all planted by the SAME PERSON with the SAME SEED and the SAME PLANT starts to grow in all three cases. It's not as if the sower is sowing DIFFERENT seeds--some 'TRUE' and others 'FALSE'. Nor is it the case that DIFFERENT PLANTS are growing from the SAME TYPE of SEED--some 'TRUE' and others 'FALSE. ALL THREE have the SAME PLANT GROWING from the SAME SEED planted by the SAME PERSON, and it's only the CONDITION OF THE SOIL that makes the difference in their ultimate FRUITFULNESS. Can't you see it?The parable of the four soils is a great text explaining even Hebrews, how one can "believe" for awhile, but never come to repentence and regeneration. Only the fourth soil has been saved, regenerated.
The writer of Hebrews teaches otherwise.There are two aspects of salvation that gets missed and is why some mistakenly conclude one can be saved and then lost. 1) regeneration has not been fully studied out and understood. 2) faith alone is what saves, not obedience in that somehow a believers sin can cause them to stop believing.
Indeed, but we must continue to abide in Christ through a living faith which works through love. If branches IN CHRIST, do NOT abide in Christ, they will be taken out of the Vine.Regeneration is an act of God, it is a NEW CREATION!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jesus Christ IN YOU!!!!!
Yes, one can submit to His discipline or despise it. One must repent when corrected. If one persists in impentinence, and is thus hardened through the deceitfulness of sin, he may be left with a dead fruitless 'faith' which can't save (per James 2) or may depart the living God altogether in an evil heart of unbelief (Heb 3).God will convict His children, God will chastise His children.
If children do not continue in His goodness, but rather persist in despising His correction, then they will be cast out of the Vine as fruitless branches.God will not lose even one of His children for the glory of Jesus Christ!!
TRUEIf they stopped believing then they were one of the second or third soils.
NOT TRUENever born-again.
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