1. I'm not familiar with Jack Hyles...I assume he had some scandal...I will google him.
2. You still did not answer my question, BTW. Can a person completely abandon belief in Christ and still be saved?
Then was he a Christian in the first place? That would be my question.
I know of a man that attended a Baptist church for a number of years, was faithful, and acted as well as any other faithful Baptist would. He went through four years of Bible college and graduated. He currently is now the leader of a Sikh community--a full fledged baptized Sikh.
Do you know that the greatest majority of the J.W.'s were at one time Baptists?
Do you see the testimonies here and there of Baptists leaving the "faith" and going to the RCC?
There is something wrong. I would question the salvation of each and every one of them.
Was it not John Wesley that went to America and was involved in evangelism, the winning of the lost to the Lord, when he himself was not saved? There are many pretenders. God alone knows the heart. One of the biggest failings of Christians today is to presume that they know the hearts of their fellow man, when they don't. That again, is where Lordship salvation fails.
3. Also, Is there any pattern of sin that would lead you to think a proffessing Christian might not really be a true Christian.
Only God knows the heart.
How many of us today would have automatically consigned the person mentioned in 1Cor.5:1-5 to the realm of an unbeliever, because of his "way of life"? But Paul addresses him as a "brother." He was a believer in spite of his on-going relationship in a state of incest, a relationship and sin so horrid that not even the Gentiles committed it. Yet he was saved.
The question I must often ask is:
Is this professed Christian actually saved? Or
Is this professed Christian badly backslidden?
Only God knows the heart; it is my duty to counsel such a person on a one to one basis according to his sin problem. I can't make such a general call like you want me to do. It is God that knows the heart, not me.
If Lot had lived in this century, whom the Lord called just, you would have condemned him also. After all which Christian among us would offer their virgin daughters to a howling mob of homosexuals to abuse all night? Is that the mark of a saved man? The Lord said he was just and righteous. Who am I to question God.
Some of the Corinthians had listened to false teachers in their church and were beginning to deny the resurrection. So Paul answers them in 1Cor.15. What doctrinal heresy these people had fallen into! Perhaps we would just pass them off as unsaved. I can't judge the heart. The Lord knows them that are his.