Well-Known Member
Poncho, I understand exactly what you are trying to say. The liberal agenda I was speaking of was a poster using your philosophy and Scripture to pursue a liberal agenda.
In relation to the standard of the Constitution, the Democrat and Republican parties look very close together. I will give you this. Both parties do not govern by the Constititution. Both parties fail to enforce immigration laws and protect our borders and citizens, which should be government's number one job. Both parties restrict our 2nd Amendment rights. Both parties have racked up huge debts and deficits on programs not authorized by the Constitution. Both intrude into the daily lives of Americans, and stifle self worth and achievement. Both parties have destroyed the American dream.
Maybe our difference is what we believe binds the US Government to international corporations and bankers, Wall Street, and the military industrial complex. You picture it as a permanent alliance always finding ways to increase their power. I look at it as pure greed. Polticians in Washington are about the lowest form of humanity, taking away from the American people daily instead of serving them. These government leeches reach out to corporations, bankers, and international concerns to increase their political power. You look at it as a permanent alliance, while to me, it is an alliance of convenience.
Do not get me wrong. It is the American people's fault we have the two nominees we do. They reflect us. We could have prevented both of them. It is nothing but apathy, laziness, and ignorance. This is the choice we have, and as I have said many, many times, NOW is the time to do something about it for 2016, not a few months before that election. I have also related to you on several occasions about my experience with the Constititution Party, their national nominating convention, and why I gave up on it.
Given the hand we are dealt, that is why I am voting for Romney. Little as the difference is with Obama, there is some light there. I do not think it is fair of you to say I do not understand the overall picture. I have spent many hours reading your posts and links.
The root of the total problem is human greed. You are the only person that has stuck by his beliefs in relation to this. You have equally exposed the Democrats and Republicans. One of the most dispicable politicians in Washington is one of my Senators, Mitch McConnell. He is right up there with the poltical establishment that we have spoken of.
If one takes a close look at the third party candidates (already given you my take on the Constitution Party), the Libertarian candidate, Gary Johnson, former governor of New Mexico, runs on a platform of legalizing drugs, prostitution, and is pro abortion. Honestly, I have not done any serious study of the other few third parties.
Are you going to vote, and if so, for whom? That is not a sarcastic question, just curioius.
Your cause is not helped by other posters who appear to agree with you but in reality are nothing but Obama stooges.
I understand what you are saying about other posters. But hey even I need a sounding board to make a point now and then. Look at it as an "alliance of convenience". :smilewinkgrin:
Speaking of which you said . . .
"You look at it as a permanent alliance, while to me, it is an alliance of convenience."
Not permanent you say?
The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender. (Proverbs 22:7)
Maybe not permanent but it looks as though the struggle for independence from "lenders" has been going on quite a long time doesn't it?
The history of money is a long and interesting story. Our troubles with the bankers started before we even became the United States of America. We booted them out a couple times but they always came back.
Most recently in 1913 because they knew going all the way back to Baron Von Rothschild that whoever controlled a nation's money supply controlled the nation. They knew what the author of the above proverb knew . . . "the borrower is servant to the lender." And they wanted our government to be their servant permanently. Or at least until they could rob us of the last ounce of wealth we possessed. When you have some spare time you should watch this video it tells the history of money. It is . . .
An Entertaining but hard hitting look at how the problems we have today are nothing new, and why leaders throughout our history have warned us and fought against the current type of financial system we have in America today.
It's called The American Dream.
George Carlin said "it's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it."
Sadly most people today are still fast asleep when it comes to knowing how our money is created. We need to wake up.
Oh yeah and what you call an "alliance of convenience" would more accurately be described as corporate fascism. As Mussolini explained fascism is more appropriately called corporatism or the merging of business and government. How anyone can look at our government with all it's bankers and corporitos in high office and not smell the fascism is beyond my powers of comprehension. But then our government education system is geared towards cranking out good workers able only to function as cogs in our corporately structured society instead of educating people how to be critical thinking and well adjusted functioning members of free a market society.
Maybe my less than stellar performance in school wasn't so bad as my parents thought it was eh? I have always been one of those "non conformist" types.
If I vote at all it'll probably be for Gary Johnson. Yes I disagree with his pro choice stance and his idea about a federal consumption tax but his ideas about liberty and following the constitution are closer to my convictions. To me being pro life is more than just protecting the lives of pre born children. Gary Johnson would at least try to end all these illegal immoral unconstitutional wars we find ourselves in and that would save a whole lot of lives. That's probably hundreds of thousands more lives including Christian lives of our brothers and sisters in the middle east and north Africa than a republicrat like Romney with his empty shell "pro life" rhetoric will ever save by doing nothing but talking the talk to win pro lifers votes. And besides what good is being pro life if we haven't even got the ability to protest against abortion without fear of being "disappeared" without benefit of due process by a government that views anyone that is anti abortion as a terrorist? We won't be doing any pre born children or anyone else any good at all in the gulag our government is busy preparing for us.
As far as legalizing drugs goes that'll never happen the banking cartel and the government make too much in profits laundering the money for the drug cartels some 500 billion a year according to some estimates. And prostitution? Well, that's another big money maker for the government isn't it. The government is never going to legalize anything it depends so heavily on for revenues. Myself I don't think the government has any right to tell us what we cannot put into our bodies but they do and they also force us to put poison in our bodies. Take Obama and Romney for instance they both partnered up with with the big biotech companies that push their GMO poison on us but what do they eat? Organic baby! That's right, nothin but the best of God's bounty for them but the rest us peons have to settle for pesticide laced GMO crops and poisoned water so their clients and campaign donors can keep filling their pocket with cash! Hard to believe? Look up proposition 37 and see who's fighting the hardest to keep GMO off the labels of our food. That's right they don't want us to know which of their money making poisons are in our food! Both Obama and Romney are in the pockets of the big biotech companies.
That's another reason why I won't be voting for either of these criminal hypocrites.
God help us if Johnny down the street is allowed to smoke a joint now and again. Better for the private prison industry if Johnny gets a life sentence for being in possession of a little green bag because that means more $$$ for them the longer Johnny stays incarcerated. Yeah the private prison industry or "complex" as it has grown huge on little crimes has it's own lobbyists in DC working to make everything illegal and sentences for even the smallest infractions longer and longer because it means bigger and bigger profits for a handful of people.
Keeping drugs and prostitution illegal has nothing to do with protecting innocent law abiding citizens but it has everything to do with protecting the obscene profits of a few crooks and criminals in high places. It might make us feel more secure having these things illegal and it might even satisfy our need to force our "high morals" on others but it has not one thing to do with protecting law abiding citizens. Hemp is illegal because it protects the profits of a few crooks who make plastic did you know that? And there isn't any chemicals or compounds there of in hemp that will get a person "high". None! Hey thanks brother I think you just talked me into voting for Gary Johnson because he isn't scared to death about allowing people to pursue life liberty and happiness like the majority of folks here are.
Now after all that you and I have been through here the last few weeks if you still choose to vote for one of the two corporate fascists that will do nothing to curb abortions and that will continue to support Islamic extremists that will gleefully go on with their murderous rampage paid for by our tax dollars who am to question your choice, right?
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