Ha! I voted Republican until Bill Clinton, that really worked out well, didn't it? I was so happy to have someone of "my" generation running for POTUS....back then, I didn't know about the STARK differences between the Republican and Democrat parties, Internet access was kinda new for me, dial-up AOL.
In some ways, BC was a good president, but the shame he brought to the Office, not only for Americans but the eyes of the world, was really the start of the world hating America, losing respect for America, I do believe. Who can forget the embarrassment of personal, private things, cigars, and the stains on the blue dress for all the world to know about?
I went back to voting Republican (except in 2004, voted CP), except I can say that I did vote for Hillary in the 2008 Primary, because by then, I did have high-speed cable internet service and had researched obama, his background, the stuff that was out there that the mainstream media refused to reveal about him. Everyone, it seemed, was caught up in the Hope and Change, wanting to be a part of history to elect the first black president, like a badge of honor. Socialists (aka progressives) had worked for this power for decades and finally had "their man," their token black who could sweep the socialist movement in our nation to victory, and they did. He was raised and tutored by Communists, studied at the feet of terrorists, selected his "socialist" friends carefully (according to his books), managed to hide his questionable roots, invent authenticity and qualifications to the highest office in the world, and was swept in to victory by fraud, coverups, deceit, and untimely deaths of those who opposed him, whisked to victory by so-called journalists who made him the new "messiah," lauded as the One who would "heal the planet" and cause the "oceans to recede." That the masses are/were so deceived would be laughable if it weren't so sad. People really believed obama would heal the planet? Give us a break. The honors bestowed upon him were also bestowed upon Caesars and Hitler and despots throughout the ages. How ridiculous!
And now, here we are. Nature's God has just proved Who allows the whirlwinds to be and their course and keeps the oceans in check and truly Reigns over this Planet He Created and will One Day Make Things Right!! There is coming a day when EVERY knee (yes, even those false messiahs and their followers) shall bow to the True and One and Only King Jesus and proclaim Him as LORD of ALL! Amen!!!