So you are admitting that someone that Jesus died for (shed His blood for) can be lost in hell?
He died for all. I don't know how else to say that so you can under stand it.
He (Jesus) died (sacrificed his life) for (to benefit) all (everybody everywhere everywhen).
You seem to be conflating the metaphor "shed His blood" with "applied the Atonement." They are not the same thing. "He shed His blood" is a metaphor, called a synecdoche, indicating his violent, sacrificial death. It was the blood sprinkled on the Mercy Seat every Yom Kippur that was the evidence that the Paschal Lamb had been slain.
But it was His Sacrificial Death that purchased the Atonement, which satisfies God's demand for Justice (the wages of sin is death). The Atonement is not the blood (Sacrificial Death). It is what paid the cost of the Atonement. And it is the application of the Atonement that achieves our Heavenly destination.
The problem is that today's modern (not Modernist, just meaning contemporary) Christianity is that the vast majority of today's Christians are horribly untaught.
Christians today conflate the blood, the death, the sacrifice, the atonement, propitiation, regeneration, salvation, ect., as if they all mean the same thing. They don't!
Every 3rd grader in our Sunday School knows that a simple way to understand the Atonement is "At-one-ment." The Atonement makes us "At One" with God. Anyone can see from that that those to whom the Atonement is applied are At One with God. And that makes it clear the Atonement CANNOT be applied to everyone without exception or everyone without exception would be At One with God and this saved. Such is not the case.