Well-Known Member
Should have read, "Those who never knew God (John 17:3)."Those who do not, never knew God (John 17:3).
Sheep and goats are smbolic of how God see those He saves and those who remain lost in the end. So we do not agree.We are not literally sheep and we are not literally goats to begin with. These are symbolic terms given of two groups of those who are believers and those who are not. The sheep represent those who BELIEVE and FOLLOW God's Word and the goat are those who do not believe and follow God's word. We are all goats to begin with (symbolically) before we come to Christ or if we depart the faith no longer believing and following God's *JOHN 10:26; HEBREWS 6:4-8; HEBREWS 10:26-39. The same as we are not really wheat or tares these are also symbolic of those who believe and follow and those who do not.
Hope this is helpful.