I already mentioned that the human body was deteriorated greatly since the sin entered the world.
As soon as the sin entered the world, the human beings started to have the limited life time though it was about 900 years.
The life time was further reduced when the Flood destroyed the Water mist layer in the air which prevented the UV's. The effect was not shown immediately, but as the generations changed the life time was reduced to 100-175 years ( Abraham 175, Isaac 110, Jacob 147, etc), then it was reduced further to 80-90 years as of today. I think it was because it needed some generations to have the inferiority shown in the human genes that the life time was not reduced immediately after the Flood.
The sin which entered the world, caused tremendous problems in the environment, in the human bodies, in the human brain system and thinking, in the human relations and in the fellowship in the society. The people lost the confidence in the success, in the future, death reigned all ( Romans 5:14-21), people suffered from various diseases, weaknesses, deformations, weakness of eyesight, short lifetime of the teeth, weak immune system, innate handicaps such as deaf, dumb, blindness, diabetes sensitiveness, weak to strokes, aphasia, weak to cancer, depression, bipolar, quick to anger, greedy mentality, quick addiction to the alcohol, less control over the sexual desire, less and limited memory, reduced brain capacity ( Adam named thousands of animals and plants), etc. Such weakened capacity led the people to be less confident in the justice, to be jealous to kill the brother ( Cain killed Abel), to pursue the easier solution for the hunger by stealing, telling lies, made the people more independent from God every moment of the life so that they do not follow God, nor wait for the guidance from God, and the sin led the people to groan in the agony and to doubt about the grace of God, could not understand what the God says ( as even Mary could not understand what the Son says - Luke 2:50-) limiting the capacity and understanding of the people ( as Mary could not know where her own Son was and had to spend 3 days - Luke 2:43-46). These natures were continuously transmitted to the next generations thru the bodies. The scientific researches say that even the fetus take some fake actions or get upset in the belly of the mother. So, no one can be sinless even in the womb of her or his mother, we know.
Therefore Paul simply stated this:
Romans 8
19For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.
20For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope,
21Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. 22For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.
Human bodies are formed by the fertilization between Sperm and Ovum, and they are equally reflecting the characters and personalities of the next generations.
If God used both Sperm and Ovum of human beings, then the next offspring would have exhibited the sin natures of both couple. If there were any special way to produce a human only from an ovum, then the child would have shown the mother's sin nature only. Half sinner would be a sinner as well.
Jesus who knew no sin had to be born free of sins, and if He took anything from Mary, then He would have had the problems of Mary too. Even today, one boy resembles his mother, and the other boy resembles his father. But in detail, some portion of one child's character is from his mother, other portion of the same boy's personality is from his father.
If Jesus took the egg of Mary, He might have not been able to know where Nathanael was ( John 1:48) as Mary didn't know where her son was ( Luke 2:43-50). One may say that the Almighty God could make the ovum of Mary become sinless and perfect by His POwer.
However, we should remember this. All the weakness and infirmities of human beings were inherited from the parents and they were the results of the sin natures. Throughout the history, God has never resolved the sins and their problems by other method than the Sacrifices which were the shadow type of Jesus Christ and His Sacrifice at the Cross.
God cannot make anyone perfect without the Sacrifice. Moreover, such Sacrifice must have been BELIEVED and ACCEPTED. Jesus died even for the Hitler and Stalin, but if they had not accepted it and believed Jesus as their own Savior, the Sacrifice cannot benefit them at all.
This is the fundamental and important principle of Redemption. The Almighty God cannot save any sinners and send them to the Heaven if they REJECT the Blood of Jesus shed at the Cross and His death.
There is NO WAY for God to send the sinners who do not repent, to the Heaven, to give the Unbelievers the Eternal Life.
The Ovum of Mary was affected by Sins, and contaminated by sin natures, and such sin natures cannot be removed until the Manifiestation of the Sons of God. Instead, God showed the way for the sinners to be redeemed thru the Blood of Jesus.
If God could perfect the ovum of Mary, why didn't He do it for the sperm of Joseph as well? Then Jesus would not have had to come to die for us. Why didn't God perfect and purify the sperms of all men and ova of all women to be sinless and blemish, spotless so that all people may become perfect and sinless ?
There was no way to resolve the sin problem other than the Sacrifice of Jesus at the Cross ! This is why Acts 4:12 says there is NO other name by which we must be saved, other than Jesus Christ!
That's why Jesus Christ came bravely to go to Calvary, to battle the greatest battle and to win the victory for us, and He did it when He said " IT IS FINISHED"
Therefore the arguments that the Ovum of Mary was used is absurd when we consider the sinless person Jesus Christ and the sinful nature of human body, of human ovum.