[/quote]donnA said:GOD! unless you think He doesn't know everything.Originally Posted by DHK
And who, in the first century, had the technology available to them, to implant others with already fertilized egges in order to make them surrogate mothers? No one. That, of course, is recent technology that didn't exist in that century and thus the definition is ruled out.
Second you make a false accusation against me.
Third your information is inaccurate, and doesn't make sense. What did the angel say to Mary and how did Mary understand it. What did the angel say to Joseph and how did Joseph understand it? Did either one understand that God was going to make Mary a surrogate mother? No! That is not the case at all. Mary answered the angel: "How can this be seeing I know not a man?"
There is no surrogacy even thought of in the text. Why then do you read into the text that which is not there. Your argument is based on silence, not on the Bible. In order to have a Biblical argument you must start and end with the Bible. Why not try doing that.
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