Simple answer from you please. Is it alright occasionally that an innocent person be executed for a crime they did not commit, but were found guilty of committing. We know this has happened. Over 100 people have been released after being found guilty, given the death sentence and later proven innocent. And I did give a link showing we now know some innocents have been executed.
So, in your belief system, is it ok to have a system that occasionally executes an innocent person?
It is not my belief system, CBT, so don't get smart and try to lay down the terms of Christian debate. It is a Biblical belief system as dictated by God.
You are against Scripture, CBT, plain and simple.
Also, your little trick of trying to redefine the term "pro-life" is very tedious. Pro-life means anti-abortion, nothing more and nothing less and you yourself cannot redefine what any word means in English.
You have no Scripture, CBT. You are a Johnny-one-note who opposes The Holy Bible. You cannot even make a good case against the death penalty. A junior high debater could make a better case than you have.