Being sealed by the Holy Spirit does not "put God" in us nor makes us divine. We are not even divine when "full of the Holy Spirit". In fact souls in heaven are not divine. That is the misunderstanding here. The Holy Spirit gives a believer power to overcome natural laws, yes. It does not make them divine. Being a son of God by ancient understanding that makes one divine is a pagan teaching and just plain wrong. Even the church tried to elevate Mary to divinity. That is wrong. The body of Christ has nothing to do with "being God". We cannot even be godlike, until the process is completed at the end of the church age, and the end of Adam's 6000 year punishment placed on Adam's descendants by God Himself.
Satan tempted Eve, telling her that eating the fruit would make her like God. It was a lie, she was already as like God as she could be. Eating the fruit would make her unlike God and separated her connection with God. She would experience now, the evil, that would demand, that only God Himself could experience to make an Atonement on the Cross. That is the whole point that it is not by our works. Our works could never measure up to God’s perfection, because all they were and still are, is God’s punishment on all humanity. All the Holy Spirit does is seal us from the works of the Adversary, Satan himself, from being able to touch us. That is what the book of Job is about. Satan cannot touch each individual, but only accuse us of being ourselves. Satan was given control over the earth, but the Holy Spirit seals us, and only that seal gives us the freedom to choose between our own works; and righteousness of God, by the Atonement on the Cross.
Jesus' disciples were OT Jews. They were sealed at conception just like all mankind has been sealed starting on day 6, when God created many sons of God. The first 120 on the day of Pentecost, were OT Jews from all over the world. They were from the ten lost tribes in every language who still came back each year to Jerusalem for the feast. They all had been sealed from conception. So yes, who Paul wrote to as new churches springing up all over the Roman Empire and beyond, understood all this, because the Holy Spirit was already at work, and now, because of the Cross, it could all make sense.
God did not abandon any of Adam's descendants. They were just too much involved in Satan's world and blinded by their own sins. Yet we see, even in Jonah, that a whole city, Nineveh, full of Adam's pagan descendants, could in fact turn to God, the whole lot, in one day. It could even happen this very year, to the whole world, if the church, body of Christ, did the Will of God. The Will that does states, "God so loved the whole world, and not willing that any should Perish, but all come to repentance." Not just the so called elect, who definitely are not doing their elected duty. That is to win the lost to Christ. Making more disciples, to go out and do the very same thing, over and over again. God does not elect us just to be secure. God elects us for the purpose of changing the whole world.