"Our first parents, begin seduced by the subtlety and temptations of Satan, sinned in eating the forbidden fruit. This their sin God was pleased, according to his wise and holy counsel, to permit, having purposed to order it to his own glory." (Chapter 6)
So, it PLEASED God to permit Adam and Eve to sin against Him by disobeying Him, and then He punishes them!
God "ORDERED" that they sinned!!!
"Pleased" = "Feeling or showing pleasure and satisfaction, especially at an event or a situation" (Oxford Dictionary)
The meaning of "please" in 1586 was, "to be agreeable, to give pleasure". Which would have been the meaning at the time this Confession was made!
First, don't call what God says about Himself perverse, just because you don't understand it and haven't studied doesn't mean you have the right to blaspheme God Almighty, who is forever blessed.
Did you know it also PLEASED GOD to have someone murdered, brutalized worse than any man ever was? Isaiah 53, "........for it PLEASED THE LORD TO BRUISE HIM", this of course is the "5th gospel", Isaiah 53. Arminians simply don't study, so they read something in isolation and come to a false conclusion.
Even Arminian Scholars admit God has at least two wills, His revealed will, "don't kill, don't steal, etc", and His secret will, there are many other terms used but this will suffice. On the one hand, yes we know God HATES SIN, He HATED, DESPISED the Sin of Adam, yet on the other hand it PLEASED HIM, for what happened after the fall "Behold man has become LIKE US, KNOWING GOOD AND EVIL", before the fall man had no concept of evil, only good, so it was a good thing, see you and other Arminians need to understand reality, the Universe, is not about us, it's about GOD, ONLY by being in a fallen state can we know and appreciate God's glory, which is why He created us "Bring my sons and daughters from afar, WHO I CREATED FOR MY GLORY", when you get God centered, this stuff makes sense.
So back on topic, Christ is the perfect example. God HATES murder, especially of the innocent, yet God ordained His own Son to be brutalized, to take the punishment of the Elect on Himself, God DESPISED THIS, yet we read;
Acts 4:27 for truly in this city there were gathered together against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, along with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel,to do whatever your hand and your plan had
predestined to take place.
This is such basic stuff, this is why those with degrees are Calvinists, or those who study much are Calvinists, those who don't are ignorant Arminians. Here we have the Jews, the Romans, Judas, ALL DESIRING WHAT THEY DID, ALL ARE GUILTY, yet GOD PREDESTINED IT.
When your 2 year old tries to touch light sockets, and you spank him and he cries, you on the one hand hate it, on the other love it for you know good comes out of it. Really I'm so sick of responding to people who are BIBLICALLY ILLITERATE, I SAID IT, you and your ilk don't have a clue. Don't you know God destroyed the entire world once? Don't you know if He killed everyone and sent them to Hell no one could say He did wrong? Salvation is a OFF THE CHARTS GIFT, one that I pray some day you'll understand, God sent His Son to suffer and die for HELL DESERVING SINNERS, HE DIDN'T GIVE ANGELS A SECOND CHANCE, WHY WOULD HE GIVE ANY OF US A SECOND CHANCE?
And as far as Adam(Man) goes, God didn't have to create a law, if He didn't create a law there could be no sin, so if you disagree with the Catechism, answer, is God compelled by some outside force to create a law He knows man will violate? Did God have to put a tempter in the Garden? NO NO NO, but He did. God made a law, the first law, He also put a tempter in the Garden, Satan was guilty for tempting, Man was guilty for sinning, and God is free from any culpability.
Study please so we don't have to suffer these ignorant posts