That is all fine and good, but what I asked was about election "to salvation" in connection with gospel conversion?
And I address OUR PERSPECTIVE of that throughout the rest of my post...
Technically, salvation was sent to the Gentiles first from Adam to Abraham (Abraham was a gentile).
Abraham was the Father of the nation of Israel and the Father of the Jews – so I guess 'technically' that is correct as those designations came later (by Jacob and Judah). But that doesn't change the point being addressed in the NT context of God cutting off Israel and grafting in the I'm not sure the value in making this particular point. Scripture clearly says the gospel is sent first to the Jew and then to the Gentile. The parable of the wedding banquet likewise illustrates this point. That is a form of 'election' as God CHOOSES to send the revelation to a people. Sending the revelation enables a response....'faith comes by hearing.' So, when God CHOOSES (elects) to send His revelation (His appeal to be reconciled) to a people he is enabling them to come. He is calling them. Those who respond in faith are dressed in the appropriate attire and chosen to enter.
Secondarily, God chose Israel to reveal salvation through them to the rest of the world. Several of the prophets make it clear that Israel was God's vessel to bring light to the Gentiles. Jesus makes it clear in Mt. 23 that the Jews did "traverse land and sea to make one proselyte."
I agree. That too is a part of Election, as God CHOSE Israel to bring the message of redemption to the world.
Look, you are saying exactly what I claimed you believed in even though you claimed I did not understand your view. You base election "upon their attire"
No, not me. Jesus.
"But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there
who was not wearing wedding clothes. 12 ‘Friend,’ he asked, ‘how did you get in here
without wedding clothes?’ The man was speechless. 13
Then the king told the attendants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ 14 "For many are invited, but
few are chosen."
Clearly the king chose to throw out the man not properly attired and chose to allow those with proper attire to enter. Don't give me credit for that, it is Jesus' story, not mine. The choice of the king was OBVIOUSLY and UNMISTAKABLY condition upon their attire.
which you ultimately claim is obtained "through faith" and thus you believe faith is the cause of election rather than election the cause of faith just as I said.
As I attempted to explain, there are different aspects of election...the national election of Israel, as discussed, the election of individual messengers from Israel, as discussed, the election of peoples to hear the revelation (first the Jew then the Gentile), as discussed. So, in those regards God's choices are prior to faith, but yes, Jesus does appear to clearly be teaching that the choice of God to allow entrance into his banquet is condition upon one's attire. You can ignore that or explain it away, but that is clearly what is said.
However, that position can be easily disproven if you have an objective mind toward the Biblical evidence. I can show it is clearly unbiblical by simply using two scriptures that are not parabolic but didactic in nature. Those two scriptures are Ephesians 4:18 and 2 Cor. 4:6. If you are interested in knowing how I can demonstrate that I would be happy to provide you the details.
Two things:
1. Yes, I would love to engage you over those two texts.
2. Pointing to one text while ignoring another on the bases that is parabolic doesn't negate the FACT that the parable itself still stands as a support for our interpretation of the matter, not yours.