Your Result:
"You adhere to the reformed theologies that stemmed from John Calvin in the sixteenth century
(I, actually, adhere to the Bible theologies, of The Doctrines of Grace, etc., that stemmed from the teachings of The Bible, since Day One and the Creation of man in the First Week, etc, his subsequent Fall and his Redemption through the Sacrifice of his Promised Redeemer, Jesus Christ, etc., Who made Adam and Eve "Coverings of Animal Skins", picturing for them the Blood Sacrifice of Jesus).
"The idea of predestination is central to your beliefs. You believe that not only is salvation predestined by God, but this election also is unconditional, and cannot be either resisted or lost.
"As opposed to the Arminian belief in free will, Calvinists stress that men are born as sinners (total depravity) and that they do not have the ability to turn from sin by themselves (sovereign grace).
"As far as church organization is concerned, you believe in a less centralized system than your mainstream Calvinist counterparts, although historically some Puritans did support a Presbyterian polity.
( They were leaving the Book on it, then. A New Testament church's Government is to be Completely Autonomous and Congregational).
"However, Puritans stress the importance of religious freedom, with notable Puritans such as Oliver Cromwell being tolerant even to polygamist groups such as Anabaptists
(a typical religious swipe at The Anabaptists. While some sects of Anabaptists may have maintained The Old Testament sentiment of "a person who has more than one wife or husband at the same time", to paint all the millions of Anabaptists, throughout time as immoral, maybe being done by their enemies.)
from: pg.41,42.
Who the Anabaptists Were"
The Compendium of Baptist History by J. A. Schackelford identifies many ancient groups of Christians outside the state church or churches as those who were called Anabaptists.
"On pages 107, 108 Mr. Shackelford says: “The Waldenses, Albigenses, Paterines, Paulicians, Donatists, and Montanists were all known as Anabaptists, from the fact that they rebaptized all who came over to them from the Catholics.”
(at the risk of being burned at the stake, or being beheaded, etc.)
"As Landmark Baptists, we know Christ set up His church in the days of his flesh.
"We know *the gates of Hades did not prevail against this church.
"We may not be able to find the historical connection fully demonstrated by which his church was perpetuated in history.
(Alan's note: I've never seen or heard of anyone asking for a "Chain-Link Succession" for The Bible, but WE HAVE GOT IT, THE BIBLE IS HERE/ JUST LIKE THE LORD'S NEW TESTAMENT CHURCHES ARE, AND HAVE BEEN!
Our Bible: How We Got It (1898) by Charles Leach.)
"We may lose the trial
(of **Believer's Martyr's blood, no less) time and again.
"We may search in vain for the line—but it is there nonetheless.
(Alan's note: "And the woman" (The Lord's New Testament churches, just like those of the churches of Asia, in Revelation)
"fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God", ( ever hear of "The Swiss Alps", for one example)
"that there they may nourish her a thousand two hundred and threescore days" (the symbolic representation of The Inter-Advental Period, i.e., The Age of Jesus' churches/ note this brilliant treatment of Revelation 20: The 1,000 Years of Revelation 20 – CPRC)."
"It still exists. *His Word cannot fail.
"As Landmark Baptists,
we do not recognize as scriptural churches those which deny the essentials of a true church.
We cannot place these in the position of true churches while they hold forth and contend for ordinances that are not commanded in the Word of God. (Alan's note: and often, in direct opposition to The Lord's New Testament churches(?)
Nor do we recognize proper ordinances as valid when given to subjects not designated in Scripture and which also attribute to these ordinances effects which are nothing more than Roman Catholicism wrapped up in a new package.
"We do not mean to imply that those who compose unscriptural churches are unsaved.
"Landmarkers have never taught this.
"We believe they are deceived and therefore
we cannot extend the hand of church fellowship to those who sprinkle water on the face of a baby and claim this makes him a child of God and a member of the church!
"We cannot receive churches that teach that baptism is essential to salvation and that men contact the blood in the water.
"Nor do we embrace those as churches who teach that the elements of the Supper become the body and blood of Christ and convey grace to those who partake of them.
"Baptists hold to the ordinances as symbols of grace already given not as a means to obtain grace.
"Who are the Landmark Baptists?
**Landmark Baptists are those who believe:
1. "The commandments of Christ
are as essential to the preservation
of the truth of the gospel today as they were in AD 33!
2. "That no man was a member of a church in AD 40
who did not profess to be saved.
3. "That no one was a member of a church in AD 40
who was not scripturally immersed.
"If these principles were right and proper then, why not now?
"If these rules are now changed, who changed them?
"By whose authority?"