Webdog and Marcia, I respect your opinions but I can't agree. The fact is we don't know exactly what things will be like in Heaven.
True, but Scripture does give us a pretty good idea. It is not what you have put forth, though.
I think we will be virtually ominscient and omnipotent. In fact, I believe the only power God reserves to Himself is the power to create things out of nothing. This is not just wild speculation.
It's not speculation...it's heresy. This is VERY mormonesque. We will not be "gods", or share virtually every characteristic with God but the ability to create. We will be human, as we are now, without the taint of sin, in a body that will never die. We will forever be learning, developing, making new friendships, discovering, etc. We will NEVER be as you have stated. YOu know what a human consisits of, and the characteristics you mention have never been, nor will ever be a human characteristic.
First, we have scripture passages like Hebrews 12:22-23, 1 Corinthians 13:12 and 1 Corinthians 15:42-54. These indicate that things are going to be very different in Heaven.
You don't think the romoval of all sin and death will be "very different"?
Second, just consider what we can do now that would have been unthinkable only a century ago, things like electronic transmission of messages and images like we do on this board without even thinking about it. Things like organ transplants, or replacement of human organs with man made devises. Things like the ability to vaporize an entire city with one nuclear device. And these inventions came about with our feeble human minds. I don't think we are capable of imagining the powers we will have as we dwell in our changed and spiritual bodies.
I agree the human mind is a wonderful thing, afterall we were made in God's image (not to become gods). Imagine the things that will be learned and discovered over an eternity! We will still be human, though, and we will never be on God's level. The Bible says we will be "like" Christ, but that is speaking of having no sin nature and a body that will never perish, not being on the level as Christ. He had a spiritual body...but it was also physical, that could eat, be touched, walk, etc. Christoplatonism teaches that a spiritual body means we will not have physical bodies, but that is plain silly. Christ had just that.
It may well be that we will always be earth dwellers but we won't be confined to this earth. We will have the ability to move through time and space at will.
Maybe. If it aligns with God's character and will...maybe. Time will never end, as is often taught. There is one passage of Scripture in the KJV that mentions this, but in context is not speaking of time ending. Time was created as a measurement, for being bound by time...humans. We will never stop being humans. In fact, if there is not time, there can be no music, as music is based on timing, yet we know that there will be, and is music in Heaven.
Seriously, please pick up a copy of Heaven by Dr. Randy Alcorn. I believe every christian should read this book, and put aside the mistruths that have seeped into today's church regarding our eternal destination. We spend so much time studying different aspects of theology, and virtually no time studying where we will be spending eternity. It's like going on a vacation to a place you have never been and instead of studying the destination, we ignore it.
Last point, Isaiah's prophecies regarding Christ were 100% literal and true. Why would his prophecies regarding Heaven be any different, and less literal and true?