None of the above - Christian socialist - but don't associate me with political parties calling themselves "Christian socialist." I support Jeremy Corbyn as one whose general policies are intended to be "for the many, not the few." There are of course specific antichristian policies that I cannot endorse - abortion & multisexism - but that goes for all parties.
Before Corbyn became the Labour leader I took position 3, & voted Liberal, Independent or Green. I certainly could not vote for the war mongering policies of the Labour leader Blair, who with Bush was responsible for the invasion of Iraq an the basis of lies. Blair's name was often mis-spelled as a result. I hoped that a Conservative led government with Liberal support, as from 2010, would lead to centre policies. However the Liberals supported the Conservative austerity measures that have resulted in extreme hardship, homelessness & deaths.
I've already voted for our local Labour candidate by post. I know her well as she sings in the community choir with me & a dozen others. Hopefully Corbyn will secure an absolute majority or be able to form a government with Scottish Nationalist support.
Well Bother Ian. I cannot agree with you. The austerity was due to the financial crisis under the Blair/Brown. Remember the Labour chancellor left a none saying "There is no money." You will also remember, I hope, that the banks had to be bailed out by millions, and some are still in debt. to the country.
On the news, a day or so ago, they said the Pound was rising in anticipation of a Conservative victory. I had noticed that on 29th November when we went to Calais for the day, We got slightly more Euros for our Pound than recent visits. 1.17 compared with 1.16 and 1.15, on our card. If Corbyn gets in, the pound will crash with his mad spending plans. Then inflaton will rise.
"For the many not the few." is Corbyn's slogan. It will be "For the Unions, not the Many."
As a commuter to London for many years I can rememember how bad the n ationalised railways were, and Corbyn wants to nationalise them again.
The unions are trying their best to wreck the railways with continual strikes. The unions destroyed many industries, the shipbuilders, the dockers, the car companies, the miners. The company I worked for closed down due to continual strikes, then opened up with completely new staff.
Corbyn says he will give new power to the unions.