Man, you do not have a clue. Do you sincerely believe that our nation's problems with the Middle East started with Bush? Do you remember the first attack on the World Trade Center? That was in 1993 when Clinton was President. And it goes back well before that. American involvement in the Middle East goes back to the end of WWI and the Palestinian Mandate.
Here is an article, you really should read it before you spout off about Bush.
The reason Middle Eastern countries hate us is because we support Israel. It is really that simple.
Now here is something I doubt you know. Did you know that the Palestinians already have a country? They do. It is called Jordan (originally called Trans-Jordan) and was establised two years before Israel. It was specifically drawn up to be the recognized homeland for Arabs and Muslims living in this area.
Originally, this was the territory that was to be given to the Jews for a homeland.
But because of protests, over 75% of this area was given to the Arabs and Muslims for a homeland.
So, you see, the Arab Palestinians have a homeland and have since 1946. These political boundaries were approved by all nations in the League of Nations and later approved by the United Nations as well.
Now, never mind that the Muslims probably occupy 1/3 of the habitable part of the Earth, they cannot stand this small chunk of land smaller than Massachusetts going to the Jews, although the Jews have a history of living there going back thousands of years.
But this is why we have conflict with the Middle Eastern countries. It is our support of Israel as a nation. This conflict started before George W. Bush was born and will continue until Christ comes.