There is no way that a person has had a true 'change of mind' about YHWH in the flesh and hasn't turned from sin, note Matthew 11:25ff where Jesus only reveals Himself to whom He wills and then they are invited, and accept His yoke and burden which includes freedom from sin. Those who know the Father and the Son (the biblical language here) are released of their former bondage, sin, because God has brought them to repentance, (note Romans 2:4) now their yoke is freedom from that from which God turned them, John 8:31-36. It's what He came to save His people from, Mt. 1:21. It is highly doubtful any person has experienced true conversion and has not been turned from sin, I Thess. 1; Acts 2:38ff.
Note the following Scriptures:
This speaks of the converted: 'So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.' Romans 6:11. This shows the change of mind about Christ which has caused one to turn from his lifestyle of sin.
Here are the lists of those, and the consequences of those, who have not turned from their sin but are deceived and their profession is consequently false; 1 Cor. 6:9ff, Galatians 5:19ff. Note the context here is 'do not be deceived' and is written to professing believers. Obviously the casual gospel was popular back then, and people were deceived, still practiced sin, probably had a change of mind about who Jesus was, mental assent to facts, but their lifestyles denied genuine conversion.
Is it any wonder that with the false message of repentance, and people guaranteed heaven, knowing there need be no change of mind about sin, which to them is interpreted license, continue on that path which He came to save them from? Or, ever wonder why we have the bumper crop of false professions of faith along with the telling evidence of false conversion that comes with it?
People are saying here that it is merely 'a change of mind' in the understanding of Christ, His office, His Person etc.
Here is that change described:
And he said to man, ‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding.’” Job 28:28
I don't know how any assume that a change in mind of who the Christ of God is, mitigate that down to something insignificant which involves no change of path, or, no repentance of their sin. This ideology shows that there is no genuine biblical fear of God, and since there is no genuine fear (only a dictionary definition of reverence dumbed down to 'respect') there is no change of lifestyle which is what His repentance accomplishes. But we are told these people had an (allegedly) God induced change of mind concerning who He is. Yet there is no 'change of mind' (repentance) reflected in the aforementioned lives whatsoever. Do not be deceived.
This false message that shows repentance as merely some dictionary definition of the Greek phrase is not all that old. But it is a Satanically induced cunning deception. No one can argue from a contextual use of Scripture that repentance is not turning from sin. Again, do not be deceived.