Gospel preaching should direct sinners straight to the Savior:
"God has not appointed salvation by Inquiry Rooms and talks with ministers, but by your laying your own hand upon the Sacrifice which He has appointed! If you will have Christ, you shall be saved! If you will not have Him, you must perish! All the talking to you in the world cannot help you one jot if you refuse your Savior! Sitting in your pew this morning, without speaking to me or any living man or woman, I exhort you to believe in Jesus! Stretch out your withered hand, God helping you, and lay it on the head of Christ, and say, “I believe in the merit of His precious blood. Look to the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.” Why, Man, you are saved as sure as you are alive, for he that lays the hand of faith upon this Sacrifice is saved thereby!" —Charles Spurgeon, "Putting the Hand Upon the Head of the Sacrifice"
Psalm 128:27
God is the LORD, which hath shewed us light: bind the sacrifice with cords, even unto the horns of the altar.
"Sinner, it is your only hope. You will be lost for ever, the sword shall pierce through your soul to your everlasting destruction; but fly now unto Christ the temple, and lay hold upon the altar's horn, and let this be on your mind—
'I can but perish if I go,
I am resolved to try;
For if I stay away I know
I must for ever die.'
'But if I die with mercy sought,
When I've this altar tried,
This were to die, delightful thought,
As sinner never died.'
By faith, this morning, I put my hand upon the altar's horn. All my hope, dread Sovereign, lies in the blood of thy dear Son. Brethren in Christ, let us all lay our hands there once again. Poor sinner, if you have never done this before do it now, and say in your heart,
'My faith doth lay her hand
Upon that altar's horn,
And see my bleeding Lord at hand
Who all my sin has borne.'" —Charles Spurgeon, "One Greater than the Temple"
Now that's an altar!