You have it out for them because of their conviction on alcohol and calvinism.
I disagree with probably half of the people on this board about one or both of the issues.
I have not really had a problem with them.
I disagree strongly with Webdog on calvinism but I consider him a brother and a friend.
When he said that his job was ending I was genuinely concerned for him and his family and will keep them in prayer.
I disagree with Brother Bob on calvinism and alcohol but when I drove by a church in his denomination (ORB) in Kentucky a while back I contacted him about it.
Why? Because he is a friend and a brother in Christ.
I could mention others but both of these men have been involved in many threads with me.
But are there doctrinal issues that SFIC holds that Web and bro Bob do not?
Yes! The first commandment certainly applies to Jesus Christ!
Also, neither have ever made adherence to their interpretation of scripture the measure of salvation.
IN short, they cause me to study and learn even though I disagree with them on some areas.
SFIC and Linda were not edifying at all.
They were self righteous, arrogant and sometimes even heretical.
I do not wish them harm. I wish for them that God would show them their error and I would love for resoration to happen.
But as long as they are convinced of theirr own righteousness in all doctrine, I beleive there was no alternative to banning them.