Trump changed the immigration laws by trying to block everyone from a group of Muslim nations. He also has ordered that children be imprisoned separate from their parents longer than the law dictates.
This is false. Trump didn't change any laws at all.
Secondly, Trump was only blocking travel to the US from seven Muslim countries that were known to be hotbeds from terrorism. Immigration from most Muslim countries was not hindered at all.
Thirdly, no children have been "imprisoned" by Trump. They were detained and now we know that those children were not with their parents, but that children are being recycled by human traffickers at the border so that illegals can appear to be their children in order to cross over. Turns out, the DNA results have been showing that these people are not the parents of those children. Keeping the children separate keeps them away from the human traffickers, not their parents.
In some cases, not all, but in some, it has been reported that some of the parents abandon their children once they get across. The families that do come across are not wholesome families. The parents are drug dealers, murderers and have long history of criminal activity. These are not necessarily innocent people.
The Democrats are not honest about what is happening at the border and they pretty much ignore the CBP reports because those reports often contradict the false, self-serving narrative that Democrats keep trying to promote.