To me, that's a common mis-conception.
Study today's Roman Catholic doctrine and I think that you will find that "Molinism" ( codified in roughly 1550 or so by Luis de Molina ) and "Semi-Pelagianism" / "Wesleyan Arminianism" walk hand in hand.
In other words, the RCC teaches "free will" doctrine...not "God's will" doctrine.
Then study today's "Traditionalism", and except for eternal security, I happen to believe that its core doctrines more resemble "Molinism" than not.
"Calvinism" is definitely not Roman Catholic, unless you link Augustine of Hippo ( an early church "father" that is claimed by them ) to John Calvin.
Then you'll have to answer the question of where Augustine derived his doctrines from, as many of his viewpoints were upheld in the 2nd Council of Carthage against the teachings of Pelagius.
Many people agreed with much of what Augustine had to say back then, which presents the same ( or similar ) scenario that we now face right here on this board.
Another point of fact:
Most of "Calvinism's" doctrines were condemned as heresy at the Council of Trent in 1563, and pronounced as accursed.
How do you explain that if it was so close to being "Catholic"?
As for true "Reformed" theology, it includes quite a bit that many "Particular Baptists" do not hold to, such as infant baptism and a-millennialism. The true "Reformed" position, in its every doctrine, is best fitted to the Presbyterian churches today.
Dunno where you got the idea that individual election was ever Roman Catholic, unless you're referring to Augustine.
But then I've never read him, please explain to those of us who read Scripture and see "Calvinism" in it, how we're getting it from the teachings of both John Calvin and the Roman Catholic Church, when they have historically taught things so far apart as to be nearly unrecognizable during the past 500 years.
Once again, I think you really should reason through the emotion in your responses, MB.
Catholic doctrine from the past 1,500 years is actually 180 degrees out from "Calvinism".
The only things that even look close are infant baptism and a-millennialism, which I understand the RCC teaches both.
May God look upon you with favor, sir.
We teach God's Will is Free Will, Free Will is not obstacle to God's will..
You are insisting God can will and do absolutely everything he wants as long as he submits to the REAL GOD---> Calvinist Philosophy.
If any Calvinist here had a lick of regeneration/sanctification of their common sense. They wouldn't be bickering about people not understanding.
Watch this testimony this is what makes sense. Fast forward to 1:34