It's not just me. Many of my friends and family have noticed what seems like an attack of hatefulness rearing its ugly head in the body of Christ. I've noticed it on the rise in churches, ministries, and even here on BB. I know this is a debate forum and things get heated, but lately, it's getting harder and harder to find true Christian love anywhere!
Seriously, I'm on several other NON-CHRISTIAN forums where people are more respectful and behave better than the Christians. I don't care how "true" your doctrines are, how "good" your church is, or how much you claim to love God. If we cannot, and do not have love for one another, how on earth can we expect people to even believe we are Christians? Without LOVE, we have NOTHING!
While I agree we should not be harsh to be harsh, and in fact harshness should be a last resort, only used in very specific circumstances, you are using "love" and defining it, in a very unbiblical manner.
Love is not a feeling, way of expression, or "speaking softly." Speaking softly and gently can be extremely hateful. Likewise, being very harsh can be loving. Jesus was the epitome of love, even when he was leveling blistering attacks against people, calling them snakes, whitewashed tombs, and in Peter's case, Satan himself.
If you ignore important doctrine to "keep the peace" you are hating your brother. You care more about your own composure, reputation, and popularity, than you do about the good of your brother and sister. You would rather spit in the face of God, who thought it important enough for you to know His ways that He spent time to write them down, than to offend someone who is holding to the most debase and debilitating, God dishonoring doctrine.
"Speaking the truth in love" has nothing to do with whether or not you are harsh. Speaking the truth in love, means that you have the proper motivation; i.e., you are not trying to show your superiority, nor "beat" the other person. You are trying to correct that person's false understanding of something important. You know that holding false doctrine is harmful, especially to the believer's relationship with Christ, and in that person's ministry. Therefore, even though you know you will be hated for it, called "divisive" etc., you do it anyway. For you would rather die than allow the lies of Satan to stand next to the truths of God as an "equally valid interpretation."
So, let us not sell out Christian truth, for Pagan, ecumenical, and pluralistic "get alongism." Instead, let us speak the TRUTH, in love, sometimes even harshly, just like Jesus and the apostles did.