Shut up?
That doesnt embarrass you?
No he is misrepresenting it in order to belittle it.
Not in the least. I dont run, hide or embarrass easily. You want to take a poke at me thats fine. I can cut it brother. Such is life.
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Shut up?
That doesnt embarrass you?
No he is misrepresenting it in order to belittle it.
I quoted you a number of verses where it commands one to put their faith (not a work) in the atoning work of Christ to be saved. That is also the teaching of Eph.2:8,9. It is the basic teaching of salvation throughout the Bible.But Im still confused.....did Christ actively save you by dieing on the cross ie your saved & that all that awaits you is a visit from the HS. After that you want to believe. Or does Christ dieing on the cross function as a token to its up to man to save himself by claiming you see what Im driving at?
See Calvinists believe Christs death automatically saves....then the process begins with regeneration etc. When your regenerated you cant help but want it (to believe, to have faith) so thats when you claim the blood of Christ. There is no sitten around making judgment calls. These are the subtle differences as I see them.
I quoted you a number of verses where it commands one to put their faith (not a work) in the atoning work of Christ to be saved. That is also the teaching of Eph.2:8,9. It is the basic teaching of salvation throughout the Bible.
Here is what is not basic: regeneration preceding salvation. That is not taught in the Bible at all. In fact I view it as mysticism. There is no faith required; no Word of God required. Somehow a person mysteriously, supernaturally, mystically is regenerated. There is no explanation given as to how this happens; it just does. It seems almost pagan in nature. You said:
"When you are regenerated you can't help but to believe."
But you can't explain regeneration. It is mystical existentialism.
It is not found in the Bible unless regeneration is salvation and happens at the same time as salvation; by faith, faith preceding both regeneration and salvation.
How does the Father draw a person?Oh then John 6;44 & romans 3:10-12 have no place in this discussion?
Only those who would deny that the Gospel message IS a powerful working of the Holy Spirit would deny the need of it in order to believe. How can they believe in whom they have not heard?Quantum and DHK are consistent and logical and concise. They will say, yes, faith is a natural aptitude.
Scandal WANTS to say the same thing, but he hasn't yet cast off all the trappings of Calvinism. He knows that men can only respond by the power of the Spirit.
What ability do you have that you take credit for Aaron? Are you musical, artistic, athletic, or anything that others might consider "gifted?" Do you give God glory for such gifts or do you say of those things, "I get the glory and the credit?"He therefore has to lay a new foundation that says that since God is creator of both heaven and earth, there is no real difference between them. Since God gave man the power to do whatever it is he does, whether he works equations or writes music, then man is doing those things in no less the power of God than he does to believe unto salvation.
How does the Father draw a person?
--Not by "mystical, unknown. indescribable ways.
The fact that a person is a sinner doesn't alter my position any. No it doesn't have much place in this discussion as we all believe that Christ came to save sinners.
No, Just the one belief that regeneration comes before salvation. In fact some here say that Cornelius was regenerated before Peter even arrived. That being the case he was regenerated at least three days before he was saved. What if he died before Peter got there. He would have been regenerated but not saved? How is that even possible or make sense? It is just mysticism. He is mystically regenerated. No one knows how. And then after that when he hears the Word of God he is able to put his faith in Christ and be saved. That make no sense.So in other words your calling DoG Paganistic & mystical?
No, Just the one belief that regeneration comes before salvation. In fact some here say that Cornelius was regenerated before Peter even arrived. That being the case he was regenerated at least three days before he was saved. What if he died before Peter got there. He would have been regenerated but not saved? How is that even possible or make sense? It is just mysticism. He is mystically regenerated. No one knows how. And then after that when he hears the Word of God he is able to put his faith in Christ and be saved. That make no sense.
How does the Father draw a person?
--Not by "mystical, unknown. indescribable ways.
The fact that a person is a sinner doesn't alter my position any. No it doesn't have much place in this discussion as we all believe that Christ came to save sinners.
Originally Posted by DHK
I quoted you a number of verses where it commands one to put their faith (not a work) in the atoning work of Christ to be saved. That is also the teaching of Eph.2:8,9. It is the basic teaching of salvation throughout the Bible.
Here is what is not basic: regeneration preceding salvation. That is not taught in the Bible at all. In fact I view it as mysticism. There is no faith required; no Word of God required. Somehow a person mysteriously, supernaturally, mystically is regenerated. There is no explanation given as to how this happens; it just does. It seems almost pagan in nature. You said:
"When you are regenerated you can't help but to believe."
But you can't explain regeneration. It is mystical existentialism.
It is not found in the Bible unless regeneration is salvation and happens at the same time as salvation; by faith, faith preceding both regeneration and salvation.
I am sure God does it, as the Scriptures say; but not in the mystical mysterious, undefinable way that the Calvinists would have us to believe.The term you are searching for is "supernatural."
Yes, that is something that God alone can do. You can read about it in the Scriptures.
Many things take place at one event. It isn't a process. It is an event. There were many things that took place at my marriage. It was an event not a process. I am not still being married. Try and explain that to my wife!!About the quote above, you are quite incorrect for more than one reason.
First, "salvation" is not a singular event. It is a term used to describe a number of events, election, effectual call, regeneration, justification, faith/repentance, adoption, sanctification, perseverance, and ultimately glorification.
Tell that to God. He is the one that uses very simple terms and a time frame to describe logical and legal actions concerning salvation, and makes salvation a very simple message. Your argument there is with God not with me. It is his message not mine.Second, using a very human time frame to describe the "logical" and "legal" actions of God in salvation is very simplistic -- and wrong.
I salute you in order my sir!! :wavey:What seems to us to require this step or that step in some order can be, by God, instantaneous at the "salvation" of an individual. I suggest doing some reading on the ordo salutas
I believe I have my theology in order. And I humbly salute myself for doing so.before you make further grave errors in your theological thinking. And, note that I am not talking about a "particular" theological position here, such as Calvinism or Arminianism. Just pure theological homework that underlies the rest of one's thinking concerning a position.
No, of course not. The actual word is found in Titus 3:5. The concept is found in the new birth.Third, and this is most basic and at the core of your argument, are you actually saying that "regeneration" is not found in the Scriptures?
Your accusation here is absurd. The Calvinistic approach is absurd. Like I said, and gave an example in the person of Cornelius: How can a man be regenerated three days before being saved? Impossible! What if he were to die after regeneration but before salvation? It could have happened in that scenario. But you have no answer for that.I believe that was merely a poorly worded sentence on your part, so I am giving you the benefit of the doubt here, but if indeed you feel that regeneration is "mystical existentialism" then we are dealing with a non-Christian on the board, and that should require some action from board moderators.
True enough. But if it doesn't occur at the time of salvation then it can't be explained any other way but by some mystical existential experience.Regeneration is a core principle of our salvation, and though some of us may disagree as to when it occurs in the "logical order" if salvation, all Christians must agree that it is, lest we be something other than Christian.
I am sure God does it, as the Scriptures say; but not in the mystical mysterious, undefinable way that the Calvinists would have us to believe.
I am sure God does it, as the Scriptures say; but not in the mystical mysterious, undefinable way that the Calvinists would have us to believe.
Many things take place at one event. It isn't a process. It is an event. There were many things that took place at my marriage. It was an event not a process. I am not still being married. Try and explain that to my wife!!![]()
Tell that to God. He is the one that uses very simple terms and a time frame to describe logical and legal actions concerning salvation, and makes salvation a very simple message. Your argument there is with God not with me. It is his message not mine.
I salute you in order my sir!! :wavey:
I believe I have my theology in order. And I humbly salute myself for doing so.
No, of course not. The actual word is found in Titus 3:5. The concept is found in the new birth.
Your accusation here is absurd. The Calvinistic approach is absurd. Like I said, and gave an example in the person of Cornelius: How can a man be regenerated three days before being saved? Impossible! What if he were to die after regeneration but before salvation? It could have happened in that scenario. But you have no answer for that.
True enough. But if it doesn't occur at the time of salvation then it can't be explained any other way but by some mystical existential experience.
That is right. God never works that way to change the will of man. Even in those times we do see God actively intervene to ensure His purposes are carried out, He does so through relatively normative means. For example, he could have just supernaturally made Jonah want to go to Nineveh by giving him an obedient heart, but God doesn't work like that. He used circumstances such as a storm and a big fish to humble Jonah and bring him into submission...and He did this for his appointed messenger. How does that in anyway prove that God mystically and mysteriously gives some of his audience members new hearts so they will believe Jonah's message?
No, Just the one belief that regeneration comes before salvation. In fact some here say that Cornelius was regenerated before Peter even arrived. That being the case he was regenerated at least three days before he was saved. What if he died before Peter got there. He would have been regenerated but not saved? How is that even possible or make sense? It is just mysticism. He is mystically regenerated. No one knows how. And then after that when he hears the Word of God he is able to put his faith in Christ and be saved. That make no sense.
Do you pray for God to change the heart of lost sinners?
Jesus said: "I am come to seek and to save the lost."Do you pray for God to change the heart of lost sinners?
No one here to my recollection is attempting to say otherwise.(contrary to those who say He does not) God working to change both the heart and will of man:
So, when did her regeneration take place? Prior to her becoming a "worshiper of God" or when "the Lord opened her heart to respond?""A woman named Lydia, from the city of Thyatira, a seller of purple fabrics, a worshiper of God, was listening; and the Lord opened her heart to respond to the things spoken by Paul." Acts 16:14
No one here to my recollection is attempting to say otherwise.
So, when did her regeneration take place? Prior to her becoming a "worshiper of God" or when "the Lord opened her heart to respond?"
That is right. God never works that way to change the will of man. Even in those times we do see God actively intervene to ensure His purposes are carried out, He does so through relatively normative means.
Answer my question. Do you believe Lydia was regenerated prior to her becoming a "worshiper of God" or are you arguing that the reference to God's opening her heart is the work of regeneration?Nice try. You said this:That is right. God never works that way to change the will of man. Even in those times we do see God actively intervene to ensure His purposes are carried out, He does so through relatively normative means.
But God Himself does work beyond "normative means" and in fact does change wills and hearts for His purposes and Glory by supernatural intervention, for he Himself is supernatural.