Ok you claim you keep the Sabbath...
I asked you what happens if you don't...
You say see Numbers 15...
I ask you how many you have had to stone to death...
You say, oh we don"t actually do what God says to do...
Now tell me again how important it is that one keeps God Sabbath commandments?
Num 15:30 ‘But the being who does whatever
defiantly, whether he is native or a stranger, he reviles יהוה, and that being shall be cut off from among his people.
Num 15:31 ‘Because he has despised the word of יהוה, and has broken His command, that being shall certainly be cut off, his crookedness is upon him.’ ”
This is repeated here:
Heb 10:26 For if we
sin purposely after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a slaughter offering for sins,1 Footnote: 1See also 6:6, Heb. 9:7, Num. 15:15-28.
Heb 10:27 but some fearsome anticipation of judgment, and a fierce fire which is about to consume the opponents.
Heb 10:28 Anyone who has disregarded the Torah of Mosheh dies without compassion on the witness of two or three witnesses.
Heb 10:29 How much worse punishment do you think shall he deserve who has trampled the Son of Elohim underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was set apart as common, and insulted the Spirit of favour?
Heb 10:30 For we know Him who has said, “Vengeance is Mine, I shall repay, says יהוה.” And again, “יהוה shall judge His people.”
You see how it is YHVH that judges? When He gives a command it shall be carried out.