It's not as simple as you may think. It often depends on which word for ALL is used and if it's is used with or without the article, and we can't rely on the KJV, or any translation to lead us in the right direction because they often omit or add the article. The words ALL, EARTH, and WORLD, even the words IF and BUT have misled interpreters forever.
Speaking from a futurist point of view, let me give you a few examples.
Revelation 13 is a great chapter to show how the word ALL is used differently in scripture, and how the "experts" have misinterpreted it.
The word ALL is used in 7-8 different ways and can be a challenge to understand at times.
'Pas and holos' are the two most common words for ALL in the NT.
Rev: 13:3b And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And
ALL the world marveled and followed the beast.
Verse 3 uses the word, 'holos.' (verse 16 uses the word 'pas'.) It also uses the word
ge for world which has a variety of meanings and often implies a region. The word 'HOLOS' (all) means the entirety of the whole. It means ALL more than the many other words for ALL. Because
HOLOS is coupled with the word '
ge' in verse 3, that in my view indicates the word WORLD means "the inhabited earth or the whole terrain of the earth."
This is
1093. ge ghay contracted from a primary word; soil; by extension a region, or the solid part or the whole of the terrene globe (including the occupants in each application):--country, earth(-ly), ground, land, world.
arable land, the ground, the earth as a standing place, the main land as opposed to the sea or water, the earth as a whole, the earth as opposed to the heavens, the inhabited earth, the abode of men and animals, a country, land enclosed within fixed boundaries, a tract of land, territory, region.
So what is the meaning of verse 3...
And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
I reject most of interpretations of todays "prophecy experts" and believe that every element mentioned in verses 1-3 are all future and end-time. The heads and horns are NOT ancient world empire or a progression of them. ONE OF THE HEADS is the head of a literal man. Therefore, if a man who was once dead from a literal, fatal head wound and were to 'resurface,' yes, the entire world would marvel.
The two horned beast, considered to be the 'false prophet' in verse 16, is where people come up with the idea of a 'global one world religion' and empire which means "the mark" is also global, and I completely disagree.
The 'Mark of the beast" is associated with the false prophet, not the anti-Christ. They are a demonic duo.
V.16 He causes ALL, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads,...
'All in v.16 is ''PAS' and it doesn't imply the entire world but only those under the power and influence of this two horned beast. PAS is the word 'individually.' The KJV again lets us down. This is almost word for word in the Greek interlinear. The KJV has omitted the word THE six times in one verse, so I'm posting the link to the interlinear so you don't think I'm making this up.
"And he's making all
the small ones and
the great ones and
the rich ones and
the poor and
the free and
the slaves."
So what difference does it make using PAS and the article?
with the article, it means the whole of
one object. In the plural it signifies "the totality of the persons or things referred to.
The article being used indicates a SPECIFIC people, not all people, not all the rich, not all the poor,
on earth etc., but only those people subject to and under the power and influence of the false prophet. You can look here to see that the article is used and that it IS in the plural.
What object is that? It's NOT the entire world! The object is the two horned beast and ALL the people under his power and influence are those the mark is imposed upon. The two horned beast and his sidekick anti-Christ kingdom are
situated in the region of the Middle-East. They are not worldwide empires!
The kingdom of the man of sin and false prophet are NOT global but limited to the 7/10 axis of evil kings and nations situated in the Mid-East Arab world.