There are thousands of Assyrians today and they're mostly Christians. You just don't understand some of the simple virtues in understanding prophecy.
When Isaiah 14 speaks of the Assyrian he's speaking of a person who was born in the region of ancient Assyria.
The word Lucifer is used ONCE in the bible in Isaiah 14 and Isaiah likens him to the Assyrian anti-Christ. Yes the name does figuratively speak of "the king of Babylon.
Genesis 1:1 (KJV)
1966 heylel hay-lale' from
1984 (in the sense of brightness); the morning-star:--lucifer.
Who is the Assyrian king you're referring to?
Lucifer is the word "heylel" and pronounced "hā·lāl."
Did you know...
The name Lucifer in Hebrew is Heylel. It comes from the word 'halal' and it means, "The Morning Star." 1966 heylel hay-lale' from 1984 (in the sense of brightness); the morning-star:--lucifer. Hilal in Arabis means.... Web definition Hilāl (هلال) is an Arabic word that means "crescent" or "new moon." It's an Islamic symbol! Heylal, Halal ,and Hilal means... Lucifer... aka Satan... aka the devil... and in Christian literature actually means... The Morning Star and Crescent Moon. We put crosses on top of Churches. Islam has a star and crescent moon. Allah is also known as a moon god in Arabic mythology!
We put crosses on top of our churches, Islam puts two horns and sometimes a star.
The symbol - notice the TWO HORNS - CRESCENT MOON - AND MORNING STAR...
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This is the two horns of the Mecca clock while under construction...
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