There is more than one way to be a Baptist, and one need not be Baptist to be Christian.
I've lived in the heavily SBC areas when women were not being "put back in their place" the way they are now. I've lived in the same areas under the new Jim Crow towards women.
And I've lived where the good Baptist folks understood scripture to allow for the ordination of women, and for women to participate fully in the church, based not on accomodating feminism but on scriptural mandate.
And I've lived where Baptists were scarce as hens' teeth, and many pastors were women.
BECAUSE I take the Bible very seriously, I fall out on the side ordaining women.
I see it at work and see God using them mightily. I hear the same arguments we used to hear when Jim Crow was about race, not gender.
I thought it wrong then, think it wrong now, and believe in 50 years either the SBC will be ordaining women right and left or will have gone the way of the bustle.
Which may be good or bad, depending on your opinion