The exact same thing is wrong with so-called 'Arminianism' that is wrong with so-called 'Calvinism'. Both 'systems', when carried to the logical end are the same, for both in the final analysis teach that 'those who are "really and truly' saved" (another phrase you will not find in the Bible, BTW, any more than you will find "Perseverance of the Saints", for the Bible doesn't talk like that!) will undoubtedly PERSEVERE! (meaning, but unsaid, one who lives up to THEIR undefined standard of conduct, often expresed in words similar to "Well, we're not to judge; but we can SURE be 'Fruit Inspectors'!", while at the same time, pulling out the magnifying glass and putting on a 'Sherlock Holmes' cap) I submit that the job of 'Fruit INSPECTOR' is better left in the hands of God, the Father; God, the Son; God, the Holy Spirit, and the USDA! Observe, if you like, but keep the verse "By their friuts, you shall know them." in it's context, which is twice (vs. 16,20) talking about false prophets, if my memory is not totally gone, in Matt. 7:15-20, and in the parallel passage in Luke 6: 37-45 speaks of not judging because the wanna-be JUDGE is the 'REAL' hypocrite.
I am fairly confident that 99 44/100% of Christians, including me as No.1, would never have seen Paul as the 'chief of sinners', and the greedy, drunken, and incestuous Mayor of Sodom as one of a handful specifically identified as righteous or 'just', or the murdering, adulterous, King David as the 'man after God's own heart', or thought that the greatest preacher and greatest sermon aside from the Lord Jesus Christ, would have been preached by one of the most obnoxious bigots in Biblical history from a street corner and consist of eight words, and when the response came, because the preacher didn't even like his audience to begin, with asked God to kill him, rather than see that crowd converted. If you could have discerned all that, then I suppose you are qualified to judge whether one is really saved or not. I couldn't have done it! But that is exactly what both Calvinism and Arminianism, as systems, proport to do! And I ain't buyin' it! I suspect God isn't either! I suggest that we get involved with a little more of the perseverance in the one way and only time THAT word occurs in the Bible- praying for the saints. I'd almost bet
God would go along with that one!
In His grace,